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Showing posts from February, 2022

Blog Episode 25: "This is Why You Don't Be Nice"

To Verbally Crucify...      Aggression... Aggression is the fucking key... Hurt them, emotionally scar them all. Hurt those who opposed you, make them suffer, make them pay... People always wondered why I'm always angry, why I am always bitter, always have a grudge against people. 2019 is the goddamn answer... But it wasn't always this way... Ever since I was a little tot, I always had an optimistic view of the world. Of course, anyone who goes through their tot years would see the world with such glee. Year after year, I was quite the character, as I was always a people pleaser. Looking back at this insight however makes me cringe, but I was quite a character. I used to always model myself after the characters that I've seen on TV and would try to emulate those moments in the real world, and granted, it has rolled many eyes because of this, however, because I was a child, we all have done stupid and cringeworthy things, so all of this is excusable.      At...