Well... Lo and behold, a follow up video to the last rant that I published on this blog about my putrid hatred for this fucking shithole of a fucking country called mEhICO, a country home to those fucking bipedal roaches that like to take our jobs, and just BE everywhere, it's absurd... Well, apparently, that last article wasn't enough to quench my thirst for giving these group of people an asschewing, no, because of the the events that had happened earlier today that I cannot explain for PTSD reasons, I've decided instead to up the ante this time and go all out with a full fledged video about it. From the over abundance of these fucking bean munching, rice eating fucking spics, and their loud mouths which are capable of making any sane person's ears bleed, to the ruination of multiple fandoms that I had taken part of and now, had left because of it... Because of the countless 80% of MEHICUNS and their annoying "SPINICH" language plaguing those c...
Calling Out Internet Stupidity Since 2017