I know I went into great detail in the 13th entry of the blog which is titled the Legacy (Chapter 22: The Game Dev Journal), which has been mentioned lots of times in previous posts, but really, that chapter isn't enough to quench the fire that has been burning inside of my head for sometime now, and that is, can you really guess? You've already read the title... That's right video games.
If you remember a while back when I said that musicians are the worst group of egotistical, self-centered, anus-clenching assholes who theirs is an attempt to keep the diarrhea of their bullshit from escaping from within, and to be honest they still are, I am really misfortunate to say that sadly that's not the case. I'm not saying that musicians are not self-centered, narcissistic pieces of shits, they actually are, but one group of people that have always come back on top, I can finally say that "gamers" are actually worse than fucking musicians... Yeah... Fucking let that sink in.
I have never in my life, endured a community full of fucking self-centered, narcissistic, spoiled, elitist fucking people in my entire fucking life. The fact that they think that fucking sitting down and watching a group of pixels move on their TV screens and arguing about how their pixel count is greater than theirs is an aspect of life, they should seriously reconsider greater things in life... And that would be the cyanide pill so they can off their pathetic selves and do the world a favor by allowing greater and more constructive people in the world to exist and contribute to society instead of deteriorating it even more.
Yeah, I fucking said it before and I'm going to say it for the final fucking time. I'm actually done with video games. I'm so sick of fucking elitists, I'm so sick of seeing fucking console wars going on and fucking grown adults fighting over a fucking career that doesn't put anything in their pocket, doesn't challenge critical thinking, and instead, the only benefits that they get is that it rots their brains of every single shred of intelligence that they have, diminishing it further and further from progressing as a species to contribute to society and just sit back on their asses, doing absolutely fucking nothing, letting their brains rot away at the pixels that are on display. And these fucking people have the nerve to defend this fucking medium and say that this is going to be the next "cinema"!?
No! Fucking no! Video games has always been for fucking losers, the same way comic books has always been for losers as well. At least with comics, I don't see fucking people fighting over fucking visuals and telling others who don't prefer DC or vise-versa to commit suicide. The reason why I recommended that "pill" is because these fucking non-social, non-contributing, daring excuses of a fucking species that they dare to call themselves human, should be the ones who should be exterminated, and I don't care if that includes bystanders.
For many fucking years, I have endured the same, militaristic, radical mentality that's been spewed by these fucking elitists, that their fucking so called "PlayStation" is better than any other console, and that everyone under them are fucking peasants. What's even sadder is that there's no fucking authority taken against these fucking people. These kinds of fucking people have damaged other people's lives by recommending suicide to others that oppose their fucking console and calls anyone else who owns any other said console as inferior. These groups of fucking people are the fucking "Nazis" (yes, as much as I hate to be politically correct) of console supporters. These people are the fucking reason why swatting exists, these people are the fucking reason why doxing exists, because of these fucking cunts who dare to share the same air as myself, and I am a fucking shamed.
For fucking years of enduring this torment, I've began to encounter a tipping point in my life where I had fucking decided that enough is enough, and decided to just break away from video games altogether. You have users like "PS5MasterRace" on YouTube, harassing multiple fucking Nintendo YouTubers by telling them to kill themselves and perpetuating conspiracy theories persistently against the company and 500-reply comments arguing over which fucking console is better than others. You would think these fucking people would look at themselves and actually think about what they're doing is nonconstructive at all, but they're too fucking blind to see that, and that is why these "specific" group of people should endure extermination because of it.
It's people like this that makes me hate video games even fucking more to the point where I don't want to have anything to do with them to begin with. They are literally worse than any other group of fucking people that I've ranted about so far on this fucking blog. It's fucking borderline 4chan levels of insanity. Fucking think about it, actually fucking think about it for one fucking second... Do you think that these fucking console elitists bashing Nintendo fans for being childish by supporting their company, PERSISTENTLY might I add, are actually the ones being childish themselves? Do these people not realize that they are actually wasting their fucking time not only fighting over something so fucking trivial that a fucking mental patient in a mental institution who values the life of fucking dust collecting in their cell is more worthy of fighting over; but actually sitting down and doing absolutely fucking nothing but watching fucking pixels fly around on their screen with a push of a button while it, is benefitting them?
And these fucking people just eat this shit up, they actually do! And you wonder why your so called precious "video games" get attacked by the media. You wonder why you are labelled as potential school shooters, because of fucking people like this. Swatting, doxing, recommending suicide, and harassment. Do you wonder why video games don't get as much media coverage as fucking cinema? That's because Hollywood is big, and movies as a medium has been an appreciated art of all backgrounds, from piss-poor hobos who lives in their hillbilly trailer to well educated doctors and engineers. It is an art, and has been an appreciated one for over a hundred years. Since the silent age, men had wowed themselves at the big screen, seeing what storytelling can do, and how the portrayal of moving people captured on film through many sequences of still frames captivated the masses, and even today, it is still wows by many in their seats. Cinema isn't just moving pictures on a screen, it tells a story and it does it so precisely in the writing department that it has the ability to connect with the human emotion psychologically and philosophically, something that this poor excuse of a medium fails to dish out. And granted there are very few that attempts to emulate the mastery of cinema, however there are few in between (Examples: Mafia 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Half-Life 2, and La Noire (Note how half of these are Rockstar games), while the rest are just blind, plotless first person shooters with no objective. Just run around shooting heads and watching them fucking roll. Granted the examples that I mentioned are shooters, but they are backed by a plot.
Another reason why video games are less popular than you fucking think is also in their sales department. Copies of video games and consoles alike sold, barely reach above the $100,000,000 mark, something that the average Hollywood movie makes, showing that more people are into cinema than into video games. Writing is a powerful thing and it is something that can evoke emotion of many people, something that video games do not. There is a reason why many schools ask you to do a book report on great books like Lord of the Rings, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Animal Farm. This is why there are institutions solely based on film study and teaching the concepts of film. There's a reason why majority of the students who are asked to recreate a scene for their college film school project choose Pulp Fiction, because it has great writing. And that is why I think video games are for losers. No video game out there will ever reach great masterpieces such as Laurence of Arabia or Gone With The Wind (The highest grossing box office film to date). The previous reasons listed and the serious institutional devotion to study the works of such great art, an artform that has been instated for over a century, is why I have began to respect the film industry and its legacy that it carried behind, and video games will never top that.
Another reason why I've began to loathe video games is because it has not only been toxic from the very beginning but, women, the cancerstain on humanity is also the contributing cause of my loathing of such medium. If you already know, I have a hatred for fucking women, because they're controlling, manipulative, and act like fucking children, and thanks to this fucking mentality that they have, video games have been a medium that they've been attacking for over a decade now,. At one point in the community, women were very few in number, and when it is discovered that such an entity exists within the scope of their community, they were heavily scrutinized for it and rightfully so.
Now, because of the emergence of SJW's and politics, and punchable faces like Anita Sarkeesian and Joey Quinn started to rear their ugly head, they gave them a voice to infiltrate it like a swarm of cockroaches, only to fucking multiply like rabbits. Search on YouTube now, and almost every fucking thumbnail features a fucking wamen in it. I've even seen videos where women want to be player-one, and leave the rest being player-two's. Seeing this overtime, began to fucking infuriate me as it heavily contrasted the days of Raocow and ProtonJon, where all of it was just male dominated, and there was not a single fucking female in sight. Because of the recent emergence in SJW culture, it's now common to see a woman playing a video game on the front fucking cover.
When you think of Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto, what demographic of people do you picture in your head to play these kinds of games? Guys? Pfft, you're dead fucking wrong, women are apparently into that kind of stuff now... I called this phenomena, "semi-woke normies", the type of fucking people that are backed by politics but aren't aware of it, as they've been subconsciously brainwashed by the loudmouth SJW's who want "EKWAL WITES", and have to shove their fucking agenda down everyone's throats because they identify as said "oppressed" group. Overtime witnessing the degradation of this once beautiful medium, I had grown to develop a distaste for it overtime, to the point where I fucking despise it to ash now... From the fucking elitists who are nothing but hypocritical fucking graphic whores, to fucking wahmen infiltrating it with their social justice politics, it had evoked a sudden impact on me that made me wake up from this constant brainwashing that video games had on me for 10 years and I had awoken to a sudden chill rushing down my spine.
For many years, video games had a huge impact on me, most notably Nintendo themselves. They have inspired me to create games, and granted while I'm still amateurish at coding due to the many accounts of frustrating events that come with it, Nintendo still served as the backbone for inspiration when it came to my passion in game development. Everyday, since the age of 8, I would sketch out my ideas for enemies, how they worked, how they would interact with the player, taking many inspirations from games like Mario and Kirby, essentially my admiration of platformers in general and create enemies for my platformer game that I have been wanting to make. I have always admired the pixelated graphics that represented those games, from the beautiful colors to the animations to even the backgrounds. I've always loved Kirby especially because it got me into the beat em' up genre, a genre that's lackluster in games, but always held that niche satisfaction of just beating the shit out of people. Seeing the portrayal of attacks and combat and how it's drawn was so intriguing, the smearing animation effects being applied to the enemies at hand, it was essentially small elements like that, that made me want to become a game developer.
But year after fucking year, as gamers became more fucking power hungry for better graphics and care more about it than the fucking story itself, it made me realize how my respect for that said medium has been tanking ever since. More and more, I wanted to give video games a chance, but when I see the constant harassment of others who's preferences differ from theirs to SJW's infiltrating said medium resulting in fucking gamergate and majority of the gamers being female dominated now, I'd began to take a different stance. It wasn't a different view or a different take, but due to the recent ruining of many things by fucking politics (And I'll get into THAT in a future article), I had decided to take a stance outside its doors and look elsewhere to something more intelligent and artful. That is when I looked up to film and the art of writing in general.
After my recent departure from that cancerous medium, I'd began to appreciate film in the sense that it evoked something that another medium had been lying to me the whole time... It tells a fucking story! It actually has the elements of writing, character development, pacing, shots, visual storytelling and other elements that evoke the sense of the mind of high IQ. Granted, it's on the border of being plagued by that fucking cancerous gender that is wahmen, but nevertheless, it regards as a very respected medium enjoyed by many of different backgrounds. It is a medium that everyone can come together and enjoy, regardless of genre. There's no constant bickering about how good the fucking "visuals" look, nor what fucking film studio is better than others, and granted there are an idiotic few who thinks that way, however they are as hard to find as a needle in a haystack.
Box offices and theaters draw customers in by the millions every week. It is an important, intelligent medium that is enjoyed by even the highest class, businessmen, doctors, lawyers, you name it. Theatre has had a history of appreciation. Even the infamous Emperor Nero himself appreciated art and theatre. It is a medium that evokes critical thinking and high IQ standards, something that fucking gamers lack and are the scum of the fucking earth for existing. And I'm not talking about those summer blockbuster movies that make your brain rot, they are called "summer blockbusters" for a reason, usually considered popcorn movies that have no plot and is something that you sit down to watch and turn your brain off as millions of cells rot away at the viewing of the big screen, JUST LIKE FUCKING GAMERS. No, I'm talking about movies that have a plot, usually movies that are based on themes, fleshed out characters, and mostly just likeable characters talking throughout the whole movie until a warranted one-shot violent action scene is provoked. Films like these that I have in mind would be things like Casablanca, The Big Sleep, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, and etc. Granted, even though Tarantino has a reputation for making violent movies, he is excellent at combining genres and still manages to tell a story well. There's no mindless fucking explosions every two fucking minutes and gunshots going off. If I wanted to watch that, I would watch a movie that does that well and that title goes to John Wick.
He does an excellent job at capturing an era of old movies while at the same time modernizing it by throwing action (WHEN NEEDED) into the mix, throw in some good shots, excellent writing, and that results in a great movie that can be enjoyed by audiences from many backgrounds. Another great movie of this sort would be the recent 2019 film, The Joker, a movie that centers around a mentally ill guy and why we should care about him as throughout the film you see his inner demons grow stronger while at the same time, trying to suppress his emotions, and eventually, as he failed to do so, it ends in suspenseful climax. That's what Alfred Hitchcock and many other famous film directors lived by, and that is subtlety and suspense! Movies like fucking Godzilla Vs King Kong and Man of Steel is just fucking child's play compared to complex adult movies like these. I bet if I were to tell them what a "noir" even is to these group of people, they can't even muster the utter the first word of it's definition to answer that question.
Moviegoers are not dumb, they are actually very high IQ'ed, and majority of them seek something more important than just bickering about fucking graphics, and that's good writing, good actors, and good direction. Unlike fucking video games, CGI is really despised among film critics as (you guessed it), it makes the movie looks unreal, conveys no character or tone, looks out of place and (of course), looks like a FUCKING video game. Fucking normie sperglords who watch Marvel movies and Man of Steel and argue with the critics who don't agree with them, are the ones who don't have that conception.
I had a misconception that maybe everyone would come to terms one day and develop an appreciation for art within the medium, but given the experience that I've had, it was alas, nothing but fucking wishful thinking. Instead video games never grew up... It grew up with visuals and graphics, but that's the key thing... "Graphics". It's all about the fucking graphics. Never the gameplay, or god-forbid, the story; however its audience never grew up with them. All I hear is that PlayStation 5 is the best and then they blindly fucking bash every other console because they have this fucking "I'm better than you", "Holier than thou", mentality, and that is something even worse than snobbery itself, and as a man who fucking hates snobs, these fucking people are fucking worse. A snob is just a bird taking a shit on your face and then flying away, an elitist gamer is a fucking flock of them flying in droves, not only taking the first step to defecating away at your head, but also peck your eyes, ears, and nose out, and then finishing you off until your soul is pecked away from existence. And yes, I had Alfred Hitchcock's "Birds" come into mind when describing that metaphor.
How come you don't see this kind of mentality in movies? Even in phones, you don't see fucking people fighting constantly over whether Apple or Samsung is better? And even so, they do it in a tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic way. But the exception with the phone industry is that most of these people have better things to do with their lives, and have ACTUAL jobs who are usually well-dressed, well-suited entrepreneurs that work in Wall Street and actually worry about things that matter MOST in their lives. They don't have time to bicker over which fucking phone is better, because when you do something constructive with your life, most of these things are fucking petty. However, gamers are just groups of pathetic overweight, man-children with poor fucking hygiene who sit in their fucking basement all fucking day arguing over fucking pixel counts and kill counts; and like having dick measuring contests with others instead of worrying about their fucking finances or getting a FUCKING job! These group of people are a fucking disgrace to the human race and this is why they should be exterminated. They are more fucking disgraceful than fucking homeless people, because that's what gamers are. They are fucking fat, overweight, edgelords who's jobless and have no respect for anybody else, only caring about themselves!
Well if this is the community that I grew up to know, then I don't want to be any part of it. I actually have bigger visions in mind, and have taken my passions elsewhere into the fields of art and writing. Over the course of a couple years, as my hatred for video games began to fucking grow, at the same time I'd began to grow out of it as well. I look back at video games as a whole and realize how childish it actually is. From the time that I was with Nintendo, I look back at it now and I fucking cringe... HARD. I actually cringe at the fact that I associated myself with these disgusting degenerates, fighting a war that doesn't benefit their fucking cause. Just fucking think about it! Telling others who's pixel count and graphics are of lower standard than your stupid box under your television is fucking stupid and a waste of fucking time. As much as I fucking hate politics with a passion, because I'm apolitical myself, at least these fucking people have a reason to fight for a cause, because it determines the fate of an entire country, and at least that's worth fighting for! Telling another person to kill himself because his Xbox or Nintendo console is inferior to his fucking PlayStation is fucking stupid and childish, and ironically they're the ones who's calling out Nintendo fans for being childish. Of course and as expected, these PlayStation loving faggots or console elitists in general are usually delusional fucking niggers, hence the term "Sonygger, or Sony-Niggers", and I used to think that was a joke, but as I've began to see video after video of the people who have this elitist mentality are black people, I'm starting to sadly think that they're actually right.
All-and-all, I'm done with video games for good. Even my Oculus Quest that I have in my possession, I'm thinking about giving it a break for a while. Thankfully the Quest can also be used for educational purposes, rather than just mindlessly playing games where you go around blowing off someone's heads with a shotgun, all the while lowering my IQ in the process even more. I have departed from such immature mediums that I've decided to migrate to film as it serves a purpose to not only entertain, but develop my brain intellectually. I refuse to diminish myself with such foolishness, and to be honest, video games have always been shit from the very beginning. Thinking about video games now makes me want to vomit, and thinking back about my past buffoonery with them makes me want to vomit even fucking more... Fuck video games, and fuck every person who supports that sad excuse of that shitty fucking artform. At least movies give you popcorn and something to think about, video games do not...
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