Hello everyone, this isn't going to be an episode or anything but i'm currently doing a makeover for this site and I am going to have to either delete my old posts or just unpublish all of them because the old posts on this site is fucking cringe. Oh my fucking god the fucking cringe, I just read some of them and half of them were just pointless and immature. Then again, I was young and we all do stupid shit when we're around that age but anyways, I'm going to unpublish them and I'm considering deleting them and throwing the keys away. After doing that, I will change the blog episode numbers on this site to the appropriate ones, setting the latest blog on this site to episode 10 and setting all the other blogs 9 episodes back. I'm sorry guys, but it had to be done, I don't want cringe on this blog because I have changed and an adult now and we all go through some changes in our lives. So expect more rants in the future, in fact i'm working on ...
Calling Out Internet Stupidity Since 2017