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Blog Episode 8: Rant About Musicians Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo

"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly" -Proverbs 26:11, Bible KJV

I have never met a group of human fucking beings so fucking egotistical, so fucking degenerate, so fucking selfish, just so fucking full of themselves, it's insane! These pieces of fucking shit are the most selfish group of people I've ever fucking seen, from their tone to their fucking maniacal, holier-than-thou narrative. Every single musician (atleast online) that I've met is either some egotistical fuckhead motherfucker, or they like to fucking brag about this so called magical word that starts with the letter "T". And I'll get into a rant about that, but that's a rant for another time...

It's people like them that just makes me not want to be a musician. Truth be told, I am one, an aspiring one and I am so eager to practice everyday and I am also an aspiring composer, but it's these motherfucking snobs like them that just put me down and I just sit here, thinking to myself,

"If these are the kind of people that I'll be fucking surrounded by then I don't want any fucking part of it."

And what's even worse is that, like I said, these fucking people have these fucking holier than thou mentality and it's pissing me off EVERYFUCKINGDAY!!!!

Musicians are nothing but egotistical fucking cunts, they are fucking assholes who like to think they're better than everybody else, and I just fucking wish that one day, bad karma will come upon them. They are very boastful fucking people. They like to think they're better than you and use this fucking normie sounding word called "Talent" (God I fucking hate that word) that makes me feel like a fucking degenerate subhuman.

I'm so sick of hearing that fucking word. It's like, as if, racism was in another form, this would be this fucking word. Being called talented is like people praising you for being white and untalented people are fucking degenerate subhumans with low IQs. So what you're saying is that people are subhuman pieces of fucking shit.

And fucking classical musicians are the fucking worst of them all. Every fucking day, everytime I see these pieces of fucking shit. These fucking low life people who like to listen to outdated fucking music, yet they like to see the world as "plebian" and see themselves as fucking pure people. I hate these people with a fucking passion, everyday I believe that there is a fucking hell out there, so when these pieces of fucking selfish shit dies, atleast it's good to know that these fuckers are burning in fucking hell.

These cunts like the bash every other fucking genre, and for some reason they take it fucking seriously! As if you insulted their fucking family or their country or something like that! Like these people have no fucking life, that if you attempt to insult their fucking genre or their fucking skill, they'll start screaming like an autistic fucking jew like...


And I kid you fucking not, there were some classical fucking faggots who were like that, and like I said again, they like to throw the first punch, but when they receive theirs back, that's when they start playing the victim. I remember reading a fucking comment about how the guy did a tutorial on reverberation for string libraries and I'll be honest, like I said, I'm an aspiring musician and composer, so obviously I know about DAWs and shit.

This youtuber showed a fucking clip, a FUCKING CLIP, in the background of some person playing a violin. Be REMINDED now that this stock footage is just supposed to accompany that narration of the video, which is basically setting the theme of the topic he is talking about.

This motherfucker in the comment section criticized the video. No it wasn't a critique about his narration. Nor was it about the video layout or his teaching style. No, this fucking "cunt" went to the lowest common denominator, the lowest denominator of fucking shit and critiqued the fucking violinist, saying how she was,

"Holding it wrong..."

This fucking shitstain on humanity, so drowned in his fucking self entitled, egotistical, holier than thou mentality, so fucking high on his fucking shit literally got triggered by the fucking way a violinist was holding a fucking violin, even though she actually did hold it right (she was holding it up to the side of her neck which is what most violinists usually do, but apparently that wasn't enough for this fucking snob). I don't give a fuck if you got cucked by your fucking music teacher and she cheated on you, or you did a 69 position with your fucking violin in general, if something so fucking minor bothers you that much, than go fucking kill yourself. Slit your wrists, take some sleeping pills and watch your fucking soul fade away from your body because you're a piece of shit, you never accomplished anything, you'll never get a fucking girlfriend, you'll never have a fucking job or if you have one, you'll never have a successful paying job, and you'll always BE A FUCKING JOBLESS PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT, DO THE WORLD A FUCKING FAVOR AND FUCKING KILL YOURSELF YOU EGOTISTICAL PIECE OF FUCKING DEGENERATE HUMAN SHIT!!!

This is not the fucking military, this is not a fucking karate class, or a fucking bomb defusing class where you have to cut a certain fucking wire at a certain angle precisely! This is just a fucking musicial instrument, and of course, maybe some people do things different, what if that's her technique of holding a violin, you ever thought about that you motherfucking chicken fucking faggot?

And of course, replies to that comment ensued, showing just how immature he was. And you want to know how this fucking cunt replied to the constructive criticism he received? He acted like a fucking four year old, yeah he must be an autistic four year old, because he fucking defended himself saying that he played since the age of four (one of those people again) and started playing the fucking victim when he couldn't take the fucking heat.

But do you remember that first punch that you fucking threw? Do you remember the fucking immature, trivial critique about the fucking stock footage in the video instead of talking about what could of been important like maybe the editing was off or that his teaching style was complicated or something like that.

So I tore this fucking cunt a new fucking asshole, because at the time I was so fed up with these fucking classical cunts, telling him,

"It's cunts like you that makes me loathe musicians with a fucking passion! People like you are so fucking self centered, so fucking egotistical, it fucking disgusts me, it disgusts me that your mere existence in this world is an insult to this fucking planet!"

I'm so sick, i'm so sick and fucking tired of fucking classical cunts like this! I thought classical music was nothing but an innocuous genre all these fucking years. As a kid, I thought the fanbase (yes I said "fanbase", if I offended you, then I did my job) were people who got along and had civil conversations. Judging from the innocuous tone of classical music, you would assume that the people who are associated with it are well mannered, courteous, generous, and open-minded individuals?

But I was fucking wrong, the fucking echo chamber for classical music contains nothing but fucking self centered, selfish, prideful, self entitled, purist, elitist, snobs. The genre is like a fucking cake! A beautiful looking cake! It has the frosting, it has intricate designs and finishing touches. It has some nice decorations on it compliment the cake tremendously. But when you bite into it, it's nothing but fucking dogshit filled with lighter shades of brown in the interior, oozing out of the fucking shit cake, highly violating your taste buds tremendously. It may look like a cake, might even smell like a cake, but it's still fucking shit, fucking rotten smelling dogshit, embodying the form of a fucking cake, waiting to murder your taste buds! And That's this fucking sad excuse of a fucking genre that is called classical, and I don't care how self entitled you are to this fucking genre! Like I said, don't like what I have to say, then get the fuck out!

These people are also fucking snobs, the fucking thing that destroys fandoms, and this is one of them. These fucking people get into fights over fucking "sounds". Think about it, and I don't care if it offends you or not, hang yourself with a fucking noose if you can't take it. These fucking autistic dickless hipster jews have their heads so far up their fucking ass, so stuck in the fucking past. These fucking people can't fathom what's real or not anymore that these people are so fucking out of touch with reality!

I've seen people fucking fighting over which is fucking better, which fucking composer is better and like to post their fucking insane fanfiction about their wetdreams with fucking Tchaikovsky. They would fucking do fucking analysis of a song, and write a whole fucking novel about it, showing off their fucking snobbery and pretentiousness.

And most of the toxicity that stems within is the fucking Talk Classical forum. I fucking hate that fucking forum with a passion. This fucking forum actually made hate musicians so much to the fucking point where they're up there with fucking MAL (MyAnimeList) and Gamefaqs. All the characteristics that I have listed above and that I've associated with this fucking group of people all stems from this fucking site.

I've been on this site on occasion before, and oh my fucking god, these people take it to another level. These are the same people WHO FOR SOME FUCKING REASON LIKE TO HARASS FUCKING FILM COMPOSERS, SAYING HOW THEY'RE "HACKS" AND HOW THEIR COMPOSERS ARE FUCKING BETTER THAN THEM!

They like to buttfuck this fucking quote in the fucking ass, in which Igor Stravinsky says some bullshit quote about how,

"Good composers borrow but great composers steal." 

                                                                                                                                       ...and they like to inject this fucking propaganda on countless videos that praises film composers, especially John Williams!

They also like to bash other genres and say how they're fucking inferior to their fucking pussy fucking genre. They bashed fucking video game music, calling it pop trash, and also considering the echo chamber of that fucking site, they also (unsurprisingly) like to bash film composers as well, calling John Williams a parody of Erich Korngold, which is a fucking insult. They also bashed Metal, Hip Hop, Funk, and other genres that they consider inferior to them, almost to the point of sharing similarities with just like how fucking nazis view subhumans in the fucking world.

One time I was on Talk Classical, that garbage ass site, and this fucking guy just stated his preference for a genre, and even said himself that he ALSO likes classical music. He said that he loves listening to metal, and it was just a simple innocuous statement... In that fucking thread, everyone was a fucking cunt on there. They all bashed him with the most verbose and pretentious use of big words that no other human being has ever heard of, and all say that fucking classical music is better and that they made jokes about fucking genres, disrespecting them to the point where the fucking mods were calling them out saying to be courteous to other people's opinions! Like what the fuck is this shit? Is this what we've come to as human beings, this is the fucking world we live in people, this is the fucking echo chamber that is this fucking site, all full of self centered fucking jews!

"Oy vey goys, kleshikal muzik iz better *adjusts glasses* cuz im smert and igo n shit n teh rezt of johnrahs r shit"


After reading this fucking thread, you could probably imagine how I felt after reading that, and what's even worse is some of the fucking users even deny being arrogant and that they're stating what's fact! At that point, I have completely lost all fucking respect for classical music. I've fucking dealt with this shit as a starting musician since 2015, but all I saw throughout those fucking years were nothing but fucking arrogant pieces of shit! I've had people tell me that i'm tone deaf and that tone deaf is a rarity, SO YOU'RE IMPLY THAT I'M THE FUCKING SCUM OF THE EARTH THEN! I HOPE YOU DIE IN THE FUCKING GAS CHAMBER YOU FUCKING JEW!

At that moment I gave up on classical music completely. All four fucking years of learning classical music theory and all the fucking people that put me down, fucking discouraged me even, has really got to me! You know, there is a saying,

 "There is so much a man can take"

The shit that I fucking dealt with is like being Donald Trump right now. I decided to say that I have had enough and quit making classical music for good. I even stopped looking up to John Williams at this point, because I don't want to be associated with anything "classical" related or anything that sounds classical anymore.

I currently at the moment, have gotten into a little bit of metal, alternative rock, and pop music, but now i'm mostly into electronic music such as trance, house, lo fi, and sometimes epic orchestra (no, not the Williams style, i'm talking about the Zimmer style, Two Steps From Hell type ones, and sometimes they mix those epic orchestral tracks with electronic music as well, so that's why I give that type of orchestral music a pass). But other than that, I will not be going back to that fucking cancer stain upon humanity that is called fucking classical music. And even though those genres have snobs of their own, there's not that many of them compared to this so called embarrassing piece of art form call classical. Also electronic music is better than fucking classical. Fucking classical listeners are too fucking high on their own egotistical farts to realize that electronic music has more unique sounds. And don't say that instrumental articulations count, i'm talking about new unique sounds.

There have been sound designers out there who can create many pleasing sounds from horror, to upbeat, to ambient, to lo fi, etc. and still create new sounds out of all of it. There are so many methods in electronic music to make it sound unique, it's insane! You can also add reverb, tape stops, glitch effects, delays, etc. to spice up the track. And the best part about electronic music is that many of the music producers (even though there's a stereotype about them being douchebags) are actually a little bit more helpful than fucking classical musicians. In fact, I've watched a lot of tutorials on DAWs and making electronic music, and a lot of them seem very passionate music producers and they're very enthusiastic about the subject matter. A lot of them are even encouraging at some points! They even go to as far as to say that you don't even need to know music theory to make electronic music, just make what comes to your mind and express how you feel on your computer, which is great!

It's a shame that these fucking classical cunts are like the bipolar opposite, in contrast, these people have this fucking "I am better than you mentality". Everything about them is the opposite. If you even approach them in normal conversation, they will still brag about their so called fucking talent. They use the word "gift" or "talent" to describe themselves as if they're the fucking messiah or something. As if they're so fucking special, they think the fucking world revolves around THEM and not EVERYONE, and it fucking disgusts me. I don't know why. Every other fucking group of people that are even more vulgar and toxic than these people and those people don't make me that angry. I don't even fucking mind 4chan for fuck's sake. But there's something about musicians that makes me so fucking angry. Like the way the communicate, their use of fucking verbose words that sounds greek to the rest of the world, it literally paints a perfect picture of what a pretentious person truly is. They don't resort to raunchy insults, but yet resort to archaic, aggressive ad-hominems, as if they use fucking pretentious Shakespearean lingo, and for some reason that makes me even angrier. These people don't realize how much of a fucking egotistical idiot these fuckers sound.

A normal person, when they insult you, they'll just say,
"Fuck you, you fucking prick!"
Classical musicians on the other hand like to insult you this way,
"From my point of my own view, you seem to be a quite uneducated individual, take it if you will, that my use of ad-hominems towards you is a gift that I happen to possess, and in fact, since you're not... You are indeed a uneducated plebian."
You know that fucking verbose meme that was a thing at one point. This is the best way to fucking describe these kinds of people, and I don't even think they're pretentious at all. You would think these people would eventually break character, but no, these people actually act like that (online it seems) and the picture as shown to the left describes these fucking classical musicians perfectly!

You know as much as I have a fucking beef with TvTropes and still do, there is one trope on that site that also describes these fucking group of troglodyte individuals perfectly. Look up the trope, "Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness". The page literally describes these types of musicians and the mentality that they have very fucking accurately. That fucking trope is as accurate as you can fucking get.

This is fucking insane, this is goddamn fucking insane that these are fucking grown men sitting at their fucking computers, doing nothing but argue about fucking sounds and notes on a piece of fucking paper, a fucking form of art that is fucking dead, older than fucking dirt. You might as well wear a fucking Napoleonic Era uniform, sitting at your fucking candle lit lamp with a quill and ink in your hand and write fucking poems, just so you could show your pretentiousness even more! It's sad to see that these people take this artform fucking seriously. Like, yes, I'm an open minded person at times. If you love classical music, that's great, but when you take it so fucking seriously, especially if it's a form that nobody cares about anymore, but you act like you were born in the fucking 1700s, then there's a fucking problem. Nobody goes to fucking orchestras anymore, infact audience members for them are decreasing! More people are going to the fucking movie theaters, sport stadiums (Football, Baseball, etc.), and rock concerts!

These people are such fucking hipsters that I even read one comment from them saying that more people should go to the fucking opera (of course, this was on a fucking Wagner video, that nazi piece of shit) and how movie theaters and film composers are a joke. It's people like these that makes me hate these fuckers even more. I don't know what was in the water that caused them to act like this, like is there some kind of disorder that causes people to act like this, that they're so out of touch with fucking reality? They act like fucking politicians, no scratch that, these fucking cunts act like the fucking pharisees from the biblical times, or a holier than thou priest, and even those people at the very least show some compassion for once.

I'm guessing these people are probably already low-life, jobless pieces of shits that know they'll never get a fucking well paying job and will always be fucking blue collars. Also they'll never get a fucking girlfriend, so I guess they're probably aware that they wasted their fucking entire life masturbating their fucking penis on the strings or keyboard since age 5. They believe that they'll get somewhere but they'll never reach that fucking level of Tchaikovsky or Mozart because those people were "Lucky", but they're in denial, stuck in this sad delusional fucking bubble of theirs, blinded by their own fucking ego, so what they'll do is spend all day bashing fucking composers and say how they're greater than them, while in reality they are fucking manchildren neckbeards probably living in their parents basements, and are socially awkward hipsters.

The best way to describe these people is, take a group of people who volunteer in reenactment plays, but take that to the next fucking level, walking around like a fucking douchebag throughout town, wearing civil war era uniforms, and looking down on other people with their so called "outdated" ideology, and that's this fucking genre. It's like these people are mentally ill at this point, like i'm wondering if these people need psychological help or something.

And speaking of mental illness, another thing that makes me think classical music is for autistic hipsters is that they have this fucking stupid mindset that they think that "inspiration" = "plagiarism". Take for example, John Williams. I even feel sorry for this composer, everyday these fucking people like to bash this man, like for whatever reason this guy is the go to scapegoat for bashing film composers! They claim that John Williams stole from Kings Row and the Planets by Holst, and all because he stole the first four notes of the fucking songs, these fucking sheep buy into that fucking lie, this fucking pareidolia like fucking lie that John Williams is a "thief" even though that there's little evidence to back their fucking claim. And even if he was supposedly "stealing", there is this thing called...

Oh no, but these fucking autistic cunts are too fucking retarded to fathom what that word even is though... Also another (and even fucking stupider) claim that these fucking snobs, these fucking degenerate sperglords like to use is that in Home Alone, John stole from Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker", even though it's clearly a fucking tribute. It's a pastiche tribute to the melody, John did that to set the theme of the movie, which since it's a Christmas movie, it would be appropriate for John to do that! I even found out one person even said that his "Battle of Heroes" theme in Revenge of the Sith was a rip off of Charlie Brown's theme, are you fucking kidding me, ARE YOU THAT FUCKING RETARDED, LIKE IS THIS FUCKING REAL? IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE? But what's funny is that the main motif for Charlie Brown's theme sounds similar to the 1812 Overture finale!

But thanks to lies and more to come by these fucking musicians (who i'm guessing maybe the reason why they hate him, they're probably jealous of him or something, IDK), now majority of classical musicians hold a negative stigma against him, some even saying he's not even considered a classical composer. To confirm this, I read on an article about classical composers, and believe it or not, TvTropes of all places had to say this stupid fucking statement... To paraphrase, it said this,

"We don't consider John Williams and (Some other composer I forgot) as classical composers because they 'borrowed' from other composers. We're not biased, we're just stating facts."
After reading that, I have never felt so fucking enraged in my fucking life. This fucking article pissed me off so fucking much after reading that, and even at that point, I have completely lost respect for fucking TvTropes! I was in so much disbelief after realizing that TvTropes is allowing these fucking sad excuses of walking fucking flesh to write this fucking shit on their fucking site! These unapologetic pieces of fucking shit! And don't worry, I'm going to rant about TvTropes in the fucking future, but that's not going to be discussed here, because these wrote an article that made me even fucking angrier than this one.

This fucking site had the audacity to claim that John Williams is not a classical composer, EVEN THOUGH HE FUCKING COMPOSED A FEW STAND ALONE PIECES THAT'S NOT EVEN FOR FUCKING FILMS! LIKE LITERALLY STAND ALONE ORIGINAL PIECES EXCLUSIVELY FOR ORCHESTRA! But this fucking site, let these fucking millennial, left leaning, autistic fucks say it, he's not a classical composer! Are you fucking kidding me!? Yet they put fucking Zeppelin AND THE FUCKING BEATLES IN THE FUCKING LIST SAYING THAT THEY'RE FUCKING CLASSICAL COMPOSERS!


After reading this, I wanted to get a keyboard and smash it against my fucking screen and that actually happened, TvTropes actually made me (well kinda) do that due to the fucking frustration I had with this fucking site. This site likes to fucking disrespect other people's opinions and like to fucking say which tropes are appropriate or not, like who the fuck do you think you are!? You're not fucking God! Who made you decide which fucking tropes are relevant or not!


But anyways, i'm getting sidetracked, these fucking classical musicians in general are mean spirited people. I'd hate to fucking see them in real life, they probably have this fucking Ebeneezer Scrooge mentality and they must be miserable people. I'd imagine they must be passive aggressive people with a fucking ego bigger than their fucking dicks. Putting all their egotistical traits aside, I've also noticed that these people seem to take their fucking profession seriously, like as if they are some kind of modern day poet writer or something. Almost every single post I see from them are either them bragging about their fucking talent or posting defeatist answers. Also while i'm on the subject of that degrading word, I was on quora one time (yeah, that fucking anal fucking site) and some guy asked a question about how he can be a classical composer.

And of course, as always, it's some egotistical cunt that replies to the fucking question, who spreaded some more fucking bullshit about this stupid magical, get-out-of-jail free card, fucking word about,


I wish I had screenshots for all of these examples that I have provided so you could understand where i'm coming from, but these incidents are a very long time ago, and even though it's probably in my history somewhere, I don't want to get PTSD from seeing these fucking comments again.

This is what the fucking guy said, to paraphrase and to break it down...

"Being a classical composer takes a lot of work and effort... ...Making a groundbreaking piece will attract audiences and listeners by the masses, however if you make a mediocre piece of music, nobody will listen to your piece and the only audience that will be listening to your piece is yourself... ...Being a classical composer is a gift, you're either talented or you're not. It's genetically proven."

Wow, thank you... Thank you, that was the most defeatist thing that I've ever read in my fucking life, everything about this post was totally not self-entitled at all. You fucking piece of shit. Thank you for making me, and everybody else (who probably don't have it either), feel like a fucking degenerate subhuman you fucking self centered cunt!

I have never read something so fucking defeatist in my fucking life. It's almost parallels white supremacy at this fucking point. It almost parallels fucking white privilege, this is fucking bullshit! This fucking post is an insult to people who have spent years of practicing, and at this point they gotten so fucking good at what instrument they play, so they just think to themselves at some moment in their life saying,

"Hmm, I've gotten so good at the instrument that I am kinda interest in being a composer! I always wanted to be one since a little kid, so maybe it's my time to shine!"

And then the first thing he fucking sees, when asking for advice online is from a fucking guy like this one, and since this so called "talent", is rare and so fucking "pweshus and spweshul", I guess chances of him having it are slim...

 Like this is fucking bullshit! This is something a fucking neo-nazi would say or even fucking Hitler. Yeah, thank you very much, you are TOTALLY the SUPERIOR one here. I guess i'm a fucking subhuman then, I guess I and the rest who don't have this supposedly magical fucking gift are all fucking peasants and plebs. I guess we will never amount to anything in our fucking life and will always be a piece of fucking shit until the day we fucking die then. I might as well get a fucking gun and blow my fucking brains out. Or better yet, leave the car running and let the carbon monoxide roll right in! Fucking stupid...

This is why i'm on the verge of quitting my passion for music. If you don't know I have multiple passions, one of them being art! I even noticed that even in the art community, most of the people are the most friendliest people that I've ever met in my entire life. It's like art is like music's bipolar opposite, the people in that group are very encouraging. I've had a lot of friends who were artists like myself and they're very down to earth, just helpful people in general! And what's great is that almost the majority of them don't even use that fucking talent excuse, art is a tool used to express how we feel! I've watch a lot of tutorials and heard many encouraging words, and that's why i'm still an artist to this day.

Would I say that the art community is the most perfect community of them all? No, there are a few snobs here and there (mostly in the oil painting part of art), but it's at the very least, a very welcoming community. I had lots of tips from even professionals, and they even encourage me to just go for it! They don't use this fucking "talent" excuse to fucking pedal their agenda with.

Musicians like to use that fucking normie sounding word as a shitty excuse. Even to the point of sounding like it's a fucking insurance or something! "Oh, you want to make music and you have the passion for it, well too fucking bad, because you don't have the talent! So go suck on your own fucking dick and choke on it!", that's their fucking mentality. They are the most and I know i'm repeating myself, but that's is as fucking selfish and egotistical as you can possibly get!

I've said this before and I'll say this again, musicians are the most biased, most negative fucking communities that I've ever (and shamefully) been apart of. I have never met the most cynical, stuck up, so fucking far up their own asses, pieces of fucking shit in my entire life! I thought music was a fun and innocuous way to socialize with others, but I was dead fucking wrong.

Everyday, I want to write music, so fucking badly in fact! I have paid for fucking software and plugins for christ fucking sake! I have FL Studio, I started out on Musescore, learning the ropes, learning the basics, and then I would put the pieces I wrote on Musescore as midi files, and import them to FL Studio!

I bought fucking VSTs, PAID MY HARD EARNED FUCKING MONEY FOR THEM! I bought all the fucking Sonivox Orchestral Companion plugins, paying $60 for each of them (Woodwinds, Brass, and Strings, ALSO on sale BTW, original price is $99), and pocketing even $99 for a fucking Eastwest Percussion Silver library, because I needed good quality percussion for songs.

I've been writing in Musescore for a very long time to the point where I can write good melodies, and even now, I'm still using it and I still use FL Studio, and I'm getting better everyday! I'm learning new fucking things! I even have the fucking Composer Cloud X subscription by EastWest for fuck sake! I have a midi keyboard (Midiplus AKM320 to be exact) on my desk, because I would like the convenience of making my pieces faster with the use of it, and also to "learn" how to play piano again, because I haven't touched a piano since age 9 and I want to take my passion for music seriously!

I want these orchestral libraries because orchestras are expensive as fuck and I always loved orchestral music! I always wanted to be an orchestral composer, especially for media! I've had original themes in my head that I have been humming since age fucking 7, and now that I got these libraries in my hands, I can now compose all the pieces I always wanted to hear played, and now I can have the nice feeling that my piece is being played by a virtual live orchestra! And like I said, everyday I have the fucking passion for this! I currently learned almost all the scales at this point and am currently learning chords! I went out my fucking WAY to buy these fucking plugins just so I can get these original pieces that I've been humming to myself for eons and see the fucking magic happen!

And then you have pieces of fucking shit like this cunt that I just quoted above, coming on my computer screen and it ruins my fucking optimism. It ruins it... It ruins it, slit its throat, stabs it, drains its blood, then proceeds to fuck its corpse, and then skins the corpse and cooks all its fucking body parts to cannibalize it, and after that, the bones are then burned and cremated into fucking ashes.

What is these people's obsession with fucking talent!? And you may say that I must be talented since I am able to learn scales quickly, but then I read comments on good fucking songs, like the best songs that I've ever heard in my fucking life and then you read comments saying things like that the songwriter has no talent, whatsoever, and it turns me off! It turns me off more than sticking your dick in a fucking shemale's vagina until you realize that she has a fucking penis and she wants you to suck on it! This is fucking ridiculous!

Then I read and I think to myself,

"Man, what if he's right? What if I really don't have any talent? I thought the song sounded beautiful, but then this guy said that he doesn't have any."

You see, it reflects on me. What one person says to a group that I associate with reflects on me. It's the same thing with racism, hating on one person because of their skin color, reflects on their entire race as a whole! And then it puts me down, every fucking time.

Go to any fucking music forum! Any question that's music related, will often get treated with passive aggressive - aggressive/defeatist answers calling the asker dumb, or some fucking musician bragging about how he has talent and the other guy doesn't! This is fucking Aryan, Nazi ideology at this fucking point. Might as well go in the fucking gas chamber for the subhuman that I am then.

I even went to one forum about a guy who literally asked if the "G Major Scale" and the "E Minor Scale" is related, since i'm currently new to music myself. And this guy got bombarded with fucking replies, saying that he doesn't know anything about music, and some telling him to go back to music school. And this isn't on one forum, this is on every fucking forum, anything that's related to music! What is it about music that attracts the most fucking assholes! I have yet to see one fucking music forum, where someone posts a "helpful" reply. Oh my God, "helpful" what's that?

I even had the bright idea to just buy a book on music theory instead, so I could better educate myself on the subject matter that is "music". Because I realize that all this toxicity on the forums is getting to me, and clicking on a fucking link to one of them is like navigating through a fucking landmine.

I went on google and typed in "music theory books for beginners" or something like that. This is literally what I fucking typed in google... Nothing more, nothing less... The first result is an amazon page, recommended to me. At the bottom there is around 4 - 6 reviews and at the bottom it had 4 stars. Now I'm thinking at that moment that 4 stars isn't that bad, but I'm as to curious who this one person out of the few had to say about this. Like maybe, his book arrived and it was torn up, or he got scammed by a seller. It can't be what I think it is right? No, it's can't be, that word? Right? Pfft, that's probably the last thing I'll see, don't fucking worry about it Roger, you'll be all right!

So I clicked on the link to the amazon page and I scroll down, this one reviewer. This motherfucking, cocksucking donkey fucking, elephant shit eating motherfucker! This is what this fucker had to say,

"This book is really counter-intuitive. This is proof that you need to have talent to be a musician."

When I read this... This fucking post. This post broke me. It broke me into millions of different fucking pieces, I felt as if a cold knife, had struck me from behind, impaling the plump, pomegranate red sack of life that is my heart. All motivation, all faith that I have had in myself was lost...

I feel like I've wasted my fucking money on this fucking shit. I've spend and invested good money into a program that'll help me get a good picture of what my dream compositions would sound like if played by an actual orchestra. All $60 down the fucking drain. I might as well take my $279 and flush it down the fucking toilet! I could've bought a new fucking tablet with that money! That could've been enough to feed me for a fucking month! I bought all of this fucking shit because I was a fucking aspiring fucking composer, and only to get told that I have no fucking talent, it's a fucking insult!

You know, as much as I hate TvTropes and their fucking sad, ego excuse of a fucking wiki that is, well, "TvTropes", I do have to quote one trope page of that site... That trope's name is,

"Heroic BSOD"

And I had a fucking heroic BSOD... I literally like.. You know how sometimes (maybe it's just me) when you read something that is so offensive, or asinine, or so fucking enraging, do you notice when you read something so anger inducing, your vision begin to blur? Or tilt even? That's what happened to me. My vision was blurry and tilting, and I was seeing stars all at once. I have never read something so offensive in my life. This customer's quote, oh and by the way, I don't care if I do this, I'm putting this piece of shit's name on blast. This guy's name is "Owen", yeah Owen. What a fucking faggot sounding fucking name. So as I was saying, this customer's quote had left me in my chair, emotionless and cold, and it made me reflect on all the hard work I've put into all the songs that I wrote...

I then, minimized the window, and sat, thinking to myself what I should do. I then had a sudden idea. I opened up Windows File Explorer and went to the destination folder that contained all my music, it was under one of the Musescore folders. I pressed, CTRL+A to select all the files and then I right clicked on one of them. The shortcut menu popped up. I hovered my mouse over the button that said, "Delete", I clicked it. The window popped up, and I watched in simultaneous glee and sorrow as the green progress bar slowly erected towards the right side of the pop up window. All the files have been deleted. I have deleted in total, around a hundred or some more songs, some of them, even being one of my best works, all gone!

I then maximized the browser and replied to this guy's fucking review, and told him this,

"I have never read a review so bigoted, so discouraging in my entire life. The ego is strong with this one"

 After I replied, I found out I wasn't the only one. Another guy, also talked some fucking sense into him, telling him that what he said was cold, and I fucking agree! He also said,

"What ever happened to practice and hard work!?"

And of course the fucking reviewer didn't reply considering how fucking egotistical this fucking cunt truly is. I bet this fucking stupid motherfucking analfucking cocksucking motherfucker is too motherfucking egotistal and too fucking pure to respond, considering how much of a fucking piece of human trash this fucker really is! It's people like him that disgusts me to the fucking core.

All it took was one word, one fucking word, no scratch that, all it took was two fucking sentences, two sentences! And those two sentences were the straws that broke the fucking camels back for me. This fucking review made me fucking snap, it literally describes and is pure evidence that musicians are nothing more than fucking selfish pieces of fucking shit. They don't care about the fucking world, hell I don't think they even donate to fucking charity. It fucking astounds me that people are so fucking defensive of the pattern of fucking random sounds that we want to fucking hear! It's just fucking sounds, get the fuck over yourselves! It's just fucking sounds made by fucking toys, there I said it. Musical instruments are nothing more than fucking toys that make sounds so fucking purist scum and fucking snobs can get their fucking rocks off and cum all over their already cumstained fucking pants.

So after that I deleted everything on my fucking computer that was music related and then I was thinking about selling all my VSTs, by selling the license. And since I don't know too much about selling licenses, and you need to get in contact with the creator and deal with the iLok shenanigans, I just said fuck it.

Also, karma had to be a fucking bitch and for some fucking reason EastWest made it where once you fucking subscribe to them, you can't cancel your fucking subscription, you have to wait a whole fucking year! What kind of backwards ass fucking logic is that!? This is fucking stupid! My bank account was being drained and i'm not going to be fucking broke over some fucking virtual orchestral software!

Even the fucking trailer for Composer Cloud said that you can cancel anytime! What the fuck is this!? This is fucking false advertising! Luckily for me, I had relatives that were able to help me out, and they negotiated with them and came up with a solution that I can't mention here. But still, how is anyone (especially if they're in financial trouble) supposed to deal with this fucking scenario! How are you going to explain this to your fucking bank, this is fucking stupid! The video clearly said you can cancel at anytime, but for some reason they won't let me fucking cancel it! This is like a huge fuck you to your face! This is fucking ridiculous.

Oh and of course, the one time I do want to cancel my fucking subscription, and fucking karma turns around and laughs at me saying, "Hahaha, you can't cancel your service, tehehehehe!". This is fucking absurd! I outta sue these motherfuckers! But then again, the issue got "half" resolved thanks to their very nice and friendly customer service, so props. I guess...

But getting back to what I was saying, I was at that moment distraught from what I read and was thinking about getting into other things that i'm passionate about. Half-unfortunately though, my friends managed to talk me out of quitting and told me I have potential to be a great musician, so I said, "Okay, I'll give it another chance", and I did, and this is the state I am in right now.

Sadly, some of the songs that I recovered were deemed, "unrecoverable", and I tried everything to restore the corrupted file, but all I got was static. Sadly, of all the files that got corrupted, this one file that I tried to recover is one of the masterpieces that I wrote. You mean to tell me that a fucking file that I just deleted like 12 hours ago that day, and Recuva can't recover it!?

But other than that, I have currently rewritten most of the songs (the ones I considered my personal masterpiece) and they are not as great as the original. I tried my very best, note by note, and by my best memorization skills, but it's still note as great as the first one I did. All thanks to this fucker on amazon, I can't even believe amazon allows cunts like him to post discouraging things like that! This fucking piece of shit, this piece of human scum. I hope he fucking gets a heart attack, this poor excuse of a fucking human being are a fucking abomination to this fucking planet.

And not only this fucking cunt of a reviewer, if you could even call him a fucking reviewer, there are other fucking cunts on the internet, or in the fucking world, who have the same fucking mentality as this motherfucking piece of shit. Just a couple weeks ago, I was on a fucking forum, I don't know what the fuck the site is, Guitar Center or Ultimate Guitar forums or whatever the fuck that garbage ass fucking site is.

There was a thread on there, posted by the very nice guy—now granted this is not classical music, but it is also proven that the metal/rock genre have as much snobs as fucking classical music, more likely than not, those who prefer classical rock (wow how appropriate). This guy brought up the topic about how talent is a myth and that the defense is that anyone who has the will power and the passion to do anything, can be a great musician themselves. The OP even said that Mozart started out playing music for 20 years, and spent another 20 years just to get good at composing music (Even Mozart's first piece was shit), and everyone agreed, and I agree with this standpoint too!

I have always believed that with passion, will power, and great interest, you can become a great musician yourself. And then you got a fucking pretentious fucking snob who replied in the fucking comments calling everyone in the comment section idiots, and saying that the OP is brainwashing everyone just for having a fucking opinion.

Let me tell you something you motherfucking subhuman piece of fucking shit, the world doesn't revolve around you, you elephant fucking piece of fucking shit! Get fucking aids from a fucking chimpanzee you fucking inbred fucking cunt! How fucking dare you inject your fucking nazi level doctrine and have the fucking audacity to call out everyone in the fucking comment section for having a different fucking opinion than yours.

He even said in his fucking post,
"Now granted, you can become a great musician from practicing all day, but you can't write original pieces because you don't have talent, and you need talent to write original pieces. I know that's very hard accept, but deal with it, that's the way it fucking is. (Proceeds to call the videos that the OP brought up, 'faggots'"


And what's sad is that nobody is doing a fucking rant about these fucking people! These fucking people are that much of a fucking shill, a fucking jew, and a motherfucking soyboy, soy-milk drinking beta fucking motherfucking cocksucking cucks to realize the fucking corruption that fucking spawns within these groups of fucking people!

Every other fucking profession in the fucking world doesn't have this goddamn bullshit! I have never seen a fucking profession (if you could call it a fucking profession) full of fucking assholes, if this is the fucking kind of fucking people that I have to put up with, then I don't want to have any fucking part of it. Every other fucking profession doesn't have these fucking kinds of fucking people, and even if they do, they're not as fucking pretentious as these motherfucking cunts. Why is it that this one goddamn fucking profession, spawn the most fucking assholes!?

There are other professions that I've seen like archaeologists, doctors, salesmen, fire fighters, accountants, an asswiper, etc. and none of them spew as much vile fucking shit as this goddamn embarrasment of a fucking artform! And yes, there are some assholes in those professions that I've listed, but none of them are as fucking bad as this one! I have never seen a fucking profession, so full of egotistical fuckheads in my entire fucking life. Even the fucking professional musicians (aside from the listeners themselves) are fucking egotistical cunts! They like to fucking boast about their fucking success and treat everybody else like a fucking degenerate troglodyte! Didn't they teach you in fucking school that bragging is bad? So why are you being a fucking "holier-than-thou" fucking asshole, it still baffles me to this fucking day! Like I said, these people act like fucking politicians!

What is it about fucking music that attracts these fucking kinds of people. And it's not fucking classical music, it's every fucking genre! Everyone who listens to or plays music in fucking general have this fucking elitist, purist mentality. There's even a fucking word called "Genreist", which is a discrimination against certain genres of music, it's that fucking bad. Everyone likes to fucking shit on musicians, and have this fucking one-sided, biased thinking! There's no fucking middle ground, nobody is fucking open minded in music for some fucking reason. They either say it's good or it's fucking shit, and these fucking composers/producers have to sit back and be fucking cucks and do nothing about this.

I'm not going to sit back and be a fucking cuck, I refuse to be a fucking cuckhold soyboy, sucking these motherfucker's dick. I've been a victim for four fucking years and this is the last fucking straw! If nobody is going to say anything about this fucking bullshit, then I will. Like I said, i'm not the fucking cuck that I used to fucking be.

Music snobs are just people sitting back with their fucking dicks out who are obsessed with the word fucking talent and when they hear talent, they get their fucking dicks all hard and ejaculate semen all over their fucking faces while they do it. They like to judge a fucking book by its cover instead of taking the fucking time to listen and give a song a chance, instead they like to say, "it sucks".

At least movie critics, they fucking care! At least they take the fucking time to review a fucking movie and point out it's fucking flaws, but musicians, they are the fucking opposite. They like to judge everything at face value. If they hear a fucking song they don't like, they'll pull the fucking "it sucks" card. One of my parents even told me that my music sucked, and I was so fucking distraught when they told me that.

Every other fucking community in this fucking world is not even nearly as bad as these fucking self-centered cunts. They're so fucking delusional that they even say that western music is superior than every other form of music, and that all the other fucking forms are not considered music. No it's not you motherfucker, everyone around the world has different tastes! You ever thought about that you narrow minded motherfucker? If you played one of your fucking so called western songs in another country, they won't give a fucking shit, because it's not their fucking cup of tea. But these motherfuckers are so delusional that they even think their fucking culture is superior than every other fucking culture. This is just more evidence that this is almost like nazi/aryan ideology.

(Disregard what I said in that last sentence, this doesn't reflect my views, please understand that this is just a rant and i'm just expressing how I feel, I am in no way hypocritical at all and no I am not a fucking nazi for saying this, let me reiterate, I am just venting)

If I was fucking Hitler, instead of gassing the jews and committing mass genocide towards them, I would've fucking exterminate every fucking person in this world that's a musician! Make sure that every single fucking one of them is dead! There would be no more fucking music, they're going to have to find something else to fucking jack their dick to. Put them all in the fucking gas chamber or execute them via firing squad! And I don't fucking care if it offends you or not, like I said, if you're a fucking normie, get the fuck out then!

Once these fucking degenerates are fucking dead, there will be no more fucking music in this world. If I was a politician, I would even ban them, or better yet, deny them fucking service, have them be taxed and put tariffs/regulations on instruments in the store or just outright ban the instruments all together and create another prohibition just like what the fucking FDA is doing to tobacco giants! I would've considered these motherfuckers second class citizens, these fucking people don't deserve the label of an American! Or any other country for that matter!

I fucking hate musicians (especially classical) with a fucking passion. If I could commit mass genocide against every single fucking person on this world that practices this form of art, then I would. I don't care if I go to fucking prison for fucking assault, if I even met one of these egotistical motherfuckers in real life, I would fucking punch them in the fucking face and punch them for every instance that I have fucking suffered within the span of 4 fucking years of this bullshit; until their fucking face is unrecognizable for the fucking pieces of shit that they are!

This form of art spawns nothing but pretentiousness, egotism, narcissism, and selfishness! I even believe that music was created by fucking Satan, since that's literally the embodiment of who Satan really is, all of the four that I mentioned in the last sentence.

They like to bash other people for their preference of a fucking genre and think theirs is better! But (and especially classical) they do it in such a fucking PC, educated, verbose way as possible making me despise them even fucking more. Every fucking day, I hope to fucking god that they choke on whatever fucking reed that they use to play their shitty fucking instrument with and fucking die.

If the media is so obsessed with fucking Trump and have so much hatred for him for his big ego and his selfish antics and also go after hate groups 24/7, if anything, the media should be outraged at the fucking corruption within the fucking music community. But no, nobody is speaking out against that though... And like I said, I have had enough, I am not going to be a fucking cuck!

But the sad thing is that I keep coming back to fucking music. There's something about music that calls me! And it goes against my word of not being a fucking cuck. This is pure proof that music is a creation of Satan! It's like it's hypnotic, almost brainwashing in a way, we can't do without it in life. No matter how much I hate music, it is ingrained in our society, basically like breathing fucking air at this point. It's so sad that music has us all brainwashed! Just like what I said above in the header of this rant, I am like a dog who returns to his vomit! Or a cuck who returns back to the fucking thing that hurts him. Well i'm not going to be a fucking cuck, I'll still like electronic music because it's the lesser of the rest of the evils, but all the other fucking genres and fucking snobs can go fuck themselves!

If you're a fucking flute player, take the fucking reed and choke on it for the fucking degenerate faggot that you are

If you're a violin player, take the fucking bow and shove it up your ass, and tear off the fucking strings to hang yourself with it

If you're a trumpet player, take off your fucking mouthpiece and shove it down your fucking throat, and shove the fucking trumpet up your ass

If you're a fucking percussionist, take those pair of cymbals and hit yourself in the fucking face with them and bash your head against the fucking drums

If you're a fucking piano player, bash your fucking head on the fucking keys until you're face is all fucking bloodied up, as you suffer brain damage or a concussion

If you're a fucking guitar player, tear out the fucking strings, and fucking strangle your fucking neck with them until you're in a fucking coma or dead on the fucking floor because you are a worthless fucking cocksucking piece of fucking shit, fucking kill yourselves!

And if you're a fucking pretentious faggot composer/conductor, take your fucking baton, gouge your fucking eyes with them until the fucking tip is sharpened from escesive use, then impale your fucking head from one ear out the fucking other and then stab your fucking self in the fucking neck with it until you die of fucking blood loss, you self entitled monkey fucking, neanderthal minded prick! 

May my fucking penis piss on their fucking graves as they REST IN PISS!
Fuck musicians! Fuck them to fucking hell!!!

UPDATE: 12/26/19

Alright so I was surfing the internet, looking up shit for self help and stuff and within a matter of time I came across this post, so I guess you could say that this is the first visual evidence that I have for this post.

This picture, this fucking visual representation of something that is an unholy offense to the fucking eyes is fucking evident that these musicians are the fucking scum of the fucking earth. I have never read an answer this infuriating! If you read all the points that I've made in this post, this fucking image, this fucking visual image is literally a summary of every fucking music forum, every fucking comment section, every fucking musician in general that's I've witnessed in my fucking life.

I just want to ask this fucking question for a brief second. Do you even look at yourself. I know that the guy in this post is obviously not going to find this post, but this is to other fucking cunts like this guy, do you ever look in the mirror, do you even think about what you are going to say before you lay your fingers on the fucking keyboard. What in god's fucking name, compelled you. Why are you a piece of fucking shit and proceed to put other people down. Is it for a sense of superiority, is it an ego thing, explain to me. Fucking explain to my why pieces of fucking shit like this person thought for a fucking minute that it was okay to make a fucking statement like that?

All this fucking guy asked was an innocuous question, a beginner may I add, about how to get sounds out of the fucking flute. Instead of giving a helpful answer, this fucking piece of shit acts like it's his fault for not having a good teacher.

"You can continue to flounder around and get MORE irritated - or pick up the phone.  Up to you."

WHO THE FUCK TALKS LIKE THAT, WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING SAY SOMETHING SO FUCKING DEFEATIST. THIS FUCKING POST INFURIATES ME SO FUCKING MUCH, IT LITERALLY REINFORCES EVERYTHING, EVERY FUCKING POINT THAT I'VE MADE ON THIS FUCKING POST. All this fucking guy asked was how to play the sound out of the fucking flute, and he's obviously a fucking beginner, give him a chance, but no, fucking Mamianka or whatever the fucking cunt's name is, decided to be an egotistic fucking dick and an IQ of 200, but his dick is so small, he can't even see it because it's tucked so far up his fucking asshole!

Words cannot describe the fucking hatred I have for these fucking pieces of fucking shit. You know the sexual allegation that they're finding about about these catholic priests lately, I fucking wish this would happen to these fucking musicians, these motherfuckers act like fucking holier than thou priests.

I hate to sound like an anti-semite, but these motherfuckers to me are like jews. I wish to fucking god, I wish to god that there was some way that I can become hitler for atleast a fucking day and I don't care if I sound like a fucking conservative nut right now; I wish there was a way that I can become hitler so I can fucking gas these motherfuckers. I wish I could preform a background check on every person in this world that has a musical background, and if they do, I'll send my officers to their homes, drag them out and execute them. Either via gas chamber, hanging or fucking firing squad, and i'll execute their entire family just so I can eradecate their entire egotistical bloodline to the fucking core.

Musicians are fucking jews, they are fucking egotistic pieces of fucking shit. You mean to tell me that hitler hated the jews but he wasn't smart enough to execute these motherfucking cunts. Fuck musicians, I hope they rot in hell, and I hope to god one day there will be a hitler to exterminate these musical faggots. I cannot tell you enough my fucking hatred, my hatred is as hot as a fucking volcano, I kid you not this is how I fucking feel right now.

This is the fucking reason why I am the way I fucking am. People all my life have been mistreating me, I've always been a fucking pawn, a fucking pushover and I'm tired. I'm tired of being a fucking cuck and not standing up for my fucking self. But look at me now, I'm an aggressive person and I don't let people fuck with me anymore! Sometimes it's good to rebel, people have said many hurtful things to me in the past, and it's my turn to say hurtful things to other people. I'm tired of being a fucking pussy. If you gotta call someone a motherfucker, then call someone a motherfucker, that's my fucking motto now, because if the world is going to be a piece of shit, then I'd might as fucking well become one myself. Fighting fire with fire...

People say that being edgy is a bad thing, fuck them. If you're one of those fucking people who believes that, then go wrap a fucking plastic bag around your head and suffocate yourself near a fucking lake and let your passed out fucking body drown and get fucking devoured by a fucking alligator, because you're a fucking subhuman cunt if you think that. There's a reason why some people act edgy, and it's because of cunts like this person that i'm calling out...

All the fucking years of mistreatment from these fucking people, these fucking self entitled cunts, always thinking about themselves instead of everyone else, who the fuck do they think they are. I wish to fucking god that one day, an arsonist would just pour gasoline around an orchestra and set the fucking building on fire, so the fucking musical jews will fucking burn, THEY'LL FUCKING BURN LIKE THE FUCKING JEWS DID IN THE FUCKING OVEN, FUCK MUSICIANS, FUCK THOSE MUSICAL JEWS!

Well anyways, to the fucking person who wrote this, if you've been a teacher since 1973, then I hope you are fucking proud of your fucking self. I really pity your blind egotistical self. This is why god hates pride in the bible, and you are a fucking sinstain on humanity. I hope you fucking burn. I hope you die in a fucking car accident, and when your burning body step out the fucking car burning on the road, I hope the other cars run you over in the fucking process until you are a fucking lifeless mangled corpse on the fucking ground. Take that fucking flute and shove it down your fucking throat and choke on it to fucking death. No, fuck that, instead, I wish I could tie you up and gag you and take your expensive, precious flute and beat you with it, beat you so fucking hard with it until your fucking face is unrecognizable. Then I will take the fucking flute and impale your fucking eyes out and in the fucking process, gouge out your fucking brain and twist them as fucking hard as I can until your fucking brains are a fucking spaghetti, then i'll pull your fucking twisted fucking brain out of your fucking cracked impaled skull and ram it down your fucking esophagus and let you fucking corpse mangle for the shameless selfish cunt that you are. You are a disgrace to humanity, and I hope you fucking rot in fucking hell you fucking cunt.

This is not inciting hate, this is the truth. Exterminate musicians!


So my final words to fucking musicians, especially the classical ones in general! Fuck you...

And if you scrolled down to the comment section and about to type some kind of diatribe towards me, because it was too long for you to read or you didn't read past the fucking title?

Then fuck you even more!


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