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Blog Episode 1: Rant - Musicians

            Ever since I was a little kid, I loved playing the piano and being able to memorize the notes for Beethoven Symphony No. 5, and being able to master it within 2 weeks. I remember going to my piano teachers and always failing to please them, because I couldn't memorize the fucking notes. No matter how hard i've tried, i'm only good at memorizing the entire song and doing trial and error until I exactly get it perfectly. Granted, i'm not a music player anymore, I still miraculously am able to play one of my childhood songs on the keyboard by memory!
            But that's not what this is about. This is about musicians, and how they're fucking assholes! I remember when I was a kid, I did so well on one song, even my parents liked it, but every time I played it in front of my teacher, he would literally nitpick, just literally nitpick every single, minor detail in my playing.

"You didn't press that black key fast enough..."
So me playing the song perfectly wasn't enough?
"You were supposed to stop immediately at that dotted note!"
But I already stopped at the dotted note, did you expect me to stop 1/50 of a note like a superfuckinhuman!?
"You were playing too slow, play it faster!" 
I was playing it fast! How much more fucking faster do you want me to play!?

            These were the reasons why I quit playing the piano and actually moved on to my favorite hobbies today; being a cartoonist, drawing is actually pretty hard, but it's fun at the same time. As a musician, it's hard, your teachers are hard, the instruments are hard, and there is nothing fun about playing a complex piece of music that you have to remember for a concert, etc. because you have to memorize that shit to a tee, and this is a one-time thing, so if you screw up in front of an audience, you're fucked! Now granted, I've heard stories from people saying that their art teachers were hard on them as well and they were discouraged, but that's another topic for another time as I am a self taught cartoonist and progressing animator.
            No, I am talking about those asshole musicians, those self-centered, egotistical bastards, which I will refer to them from now on every time I hear the word "musician", it will be replaced with the word, "egotistical bastard", because they made that word sound like a douche-bag to me and that's what they are, fucking assholes. Nobody gives a fuck about how many years you've beaten your dick onto your violins, covering it with your evaporated fucking milk onto the strings. Nobody gives a fuck about how good your ears are and how they are a gift from Jesus Christ, nobody gives a shit, yet these musicians like to brag about their fucking talents for the maniacal egotistical SoB's they are about:

"Oh, i'm a musician, I've been one for 50 fucking years, beatin' mah dick on the fucking instruments, and I can say I am better than this fucking hack composer!"

           First of all fuck you, you can take that instrument and shove it up your ass, I don't care if you're in a 69 position with your beloved violin, licking the fucking pegs. If you don't know why i'm so angry, i'm just so angry even thinking about it, because I remember exactly a year ago, was damn there being very eager to learn how to play the piano because if you remember a few paragraphs back, many of my teachers were very mean and discouraging to me and caused me to quit playing music altogether and seeing all these musicians thinking they're fucking better than an obviously more well known, more famous composer gives me PTSD and makes me very fucking angry.
           My first encounter with them was on the tutorial videos for playing the piano for beginners. I was trying to learn from the video, from a professional who uploaded it and then you read the fucking comments and it's really off putting! I have an OCD for reading comments but seeing how much of an asshole, musicians really are makes me want to punch them in the fucking face, no fucking lie, if I ever met a musician that's an asshole to me in real life, i'd punch them in the face.
           Then you have those, bashing famous composers like John Williams, and Danny Elfman and saying they're better than them. I remember one time fighting with a fellow musician after he made an absurdly stupid comment about how John Williams stole from "Kings Row" by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. But what's funny enough is that a few of those notes in that score stole from "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", but yet for some reason being "inspired" by something makes you a plagiarist in their eyes, okay if you're so smart why don't you show me how unique and original you are, oh wait, you can't because originality is a myth, humanity have been inspired by previous techniques to move our world forward into the future. If you claim to be original as you say you are then why don't you prove it? And I bet if you did, it would be crap with random notes thrown in here and there and you'd probably call it original.
            This is one of the reasons why I quit writing music again because of assholes like them. Another reason why I hate them is because they like to fucking nitpick every single little thing. I may not be good at music and have a good ear, but I know when a song cover sounds off or not, but there are many times where I listen to covers where I think they're fucking perfect and these so called, "musicians" will come along and nitpick every single fucking note, if one single note is off to them, they will write a fucking essay long paragraph, nitpicking and insulting the player in the comments about how they're "better", like seriously shut the fuck up, nobody gives a fuck about background music, go listen to classical music if you want to nitpick that shit, oh wait they do and it sounds like shit and very dated.
           And that's the thing, these classical music elitists will say that shit because they're behind with the times and will praise older composers instead of the composers we currently have today. That's like saying that the shit you took 5 years ago is better than the shit you took today which is just as good as 5 years ago and that's what these classical music elitists like to do. They'll praise composers like Mozart, Alan Copland, Tchaikovsky, Leonard Bernstein, etc. and shit on good people we have today like John Williams, Danny Elfman, and (and I don't even like him but still) Hans Zimmer.
          I'll be honest, I was arguing with a musician who is a nostalgia fag who still live in their mother's basement and their 20 year old stinky diapers and he said that John Williams sucks and he prefers the "original" and says,

"Why should I listen to an imitator, where I can listen to the 'real thing'."

          Yeah, the "real thing", and a very outdated one at that, might as well listen to cavemen music and say that's better than classical music. You see where i'm going with this?
          And last of all, musicians are fucking egotistical. Remember when I said about that musicians are fucking assholes, well here is actual living proof in sharp, crystal clear, black and white, and every color of the fucking rainbow of it!
          Sadly I forgot all of the videos I was watching to show you, but I have one I still remember and I will provide a link and image below to prove my claim:

          First off, this is one of the many examples I have to share with you about how musicians are fucking assholes, as we can see here, we can see the egotistical faggot, "Jona", in his natural habitat, exploring for his next prey, and as we can see here, Jona has spotted the prey, so he creeps up slowly, sliding out his faggot looking keyboard and proceeds to hurl insults at the talented one providing content for the audience, but then a heroic "superyoshibros99" jumps in and stops Jona, throwing his attack at him and making him look like an ass-faggot ass bag piece of fucking little turd shit that got shitted out of a goats anus into the motherfuckin Louisiana swamp river. Superyoshibros99 has defeated Jona and prevails the land, roaring like a motherfucking lion.
         And that's the reason why I hate musicians, these spawn of fucking retards multiply like motherfucking flies and like to bash and insult people like John Williams and think they're all "high and mighty", and "holier than thou", but in the end they're all fucking losers licking their fucking instruments and fucking their man-vaginas with it. Musicians are fucking selfish, they will stop at nothing but to hurt you, discourage you, and tell you to quit instead of encouraging others and building a wonderful community. You know as a cartoonist, I have never seen that many assholes going around nitpicking every single frame that looks off and tell the creators to go fuck themselves, and if they do, they're usually very nice and try to help you, these are the kind of people that will actually encourage you, I've had many animators, (even some Ex-Disney and Hollywood animators!) telling me that they hope that I "succeed", that they hope my "animation studio" becomes successful, and I believe in that. With musicians, they're a bunch of barbaric savages that like to put each other down and have that, "King of the Hill" mentality.
         And don't give me that fucking shit about, 

"Generalizing is bad, I know a lot of musicians who are very nice!"

        Bullshit! When I use the word asshole, I use it when associated with what particular group has the most assholes. The same thing with the gaming community, I think gamers in general are assholes, and the reason why is because majority of them are! A very small minority of them are very open minded and those are usually the Nintendo fans. Saying that there are a few nice ones amongst the asshole populace of the group, doesn't justify the title as a good label. And that's why I associate the term "musician", with assholes, because majority of them have that egotistical, "i'm-better-than-you", mentality that it sometimes makes you not want to be a musician, because they share that fucking blood with you. It makes you want to differentiate yourself from them as much as possible, therefore musicians are just as bad as fucking gamers. The truly nice, kind-hearted ones deserve to be called something better and don't deserve to share this same title status with the rest of those assholes. These assholes made the word "Musician" a derogatory slur for me, and it's become a stereotype for them, just like how majority of the world thinks that black people are loud-mouthed morons, while in reality there are actually a civil few.
        Now you can say that,

"Every single group has a few assholes in it."
         It's not about that every group has an asshole in it. I know that every group has assholes in it, what i'm saying is, "What group has the most assholes in it?". Here is a list of the current groups on my blacklist that has the most assholes, and let me tell you, haha, they pretty much made me quit almost all those communities:

  • Musicians (fucking assholes) 90%
  • Gamers (fucking assholes) 95%
  • Anime (fucking assholes) 95%
  • Cooking (fucking assholes) 95%
  • Sometimes Movies (fucking assholes/mostly racist fucks) 60%

           And those are the groups that I associate assholes with, not just musicians. In fact if you don't know, my next rant is going to be on those anime fans and how I quit watching anime, those people are just as much of a dick as those musicians that i'm talking about right now, so watch out for that next blog folks.
          Listen musicians, if you want to build a better repetition for yourself, don't be a cocky prick, thinking that you own all the bitches in the bar down the fucking street, because thinking you're better and bragging about yourself will lead you to your fucking downfall and rightfully so. You may think John Williams sucks and you have that "Holier than thou" mentality, but one day karma can be that bitch to break your back, when your most looked-forward-to event comes; your violin will fail on you, your strings will break, your wood will crack, and your audience will be rolling in laughter from your failure.

So ladies and gentlemen, my final message to those asshole, egotistical faggot musicians is:

Fuck, Musicians!


           So a couple days ago, I've came across this faggot who's written an article insulting musician's hats. You're a musician, not a fashion artist, go back to fucking your little instruments you twat. So i'm going to provide the link for this egotistical bastard down below:

            Reading this article from an author like him makes me ashamed to listen to music as a musicophile myself (I listen to John Williams' pieces everyday), and makes me not want to give the artists I enjoy listening to, any money. In fact this article is actually what inspired me to reboot this blog just recently, just so I can rant about this asshole whom I've wanted to punch in the fucking face. Sadly music is an important form of art and it's apart of life, yet background scores are most neglected upon movie critics mostly, yet these elitists will waste their time nitpicking as many notes as they can and can't think their way out a paper bag. 
           So he says about how much of a dick he is and is the master at (master)bating to his instruments (get it master bating, hahaha very unfunny joke). The first thing this faggot says in the article is (oh and by the way, I still love wearing my fedoras, it makes me feel better than these degenerates):

"Recently, my enemies have been accusing me of having a problem with hats. Maybe it's because I am (predictably) a bald, pale music critic, and wearing a hat makes me look like a Nosferatu vampire-creature. But personally, I think someone's choice of headwear can tell a lot about a person -- usually how they suck.
As I am fully aware that most people are not as gifted as I am when it comes to deciphering the inner-character of a human being based solely upon their appearance, I've created an exceptionally important guide. When I die, I will be remembered for my gift to the world: a list of stupid hats musicians wear and what they mean."

-Drew (Drawing dicks) (faggot) Ailes    
         Wow, what an egotistical bastard you really are drew, what kind of a faggot name is that? Were your parents that low to name someone who likes to draw dicks? (Insert leafy joke here) 
         So then I read the comments and this person said,

So I went on his twitter and I was right he did look like a faggot, just take a look.

Image and link provided below:

          Look at this pathetic, yellow trench coating wearing, mickey mouse looking, dick tracy looking, walter white/breaking bad looking motherfucking reject with those shitty ass shades. Fuck the actor who played Walter White, this neckbeard should've gotten the fucking part. And what's even funnier is that most of his posts just usually contains him being an edgy faggot, bitching and crying about how small his dick is. This guy makes Phil Fish (The Creator of FEZ) look like the most humble person on Earth.
          Also he rejoiced to Roger Ailes' death, and made fun of his passing, this was his response: image is provided below,

          Really... REALLY, ARE YOU THAT FUCKING LOW TO CELEBRATE SOMEONE'S DEATH AND BE MERCILESS ENOUGH TO GO ON TWITTER AND BRAG ABOUT HOW MUCH OF AN EGOTISTICAL CUNT YOU REALLY ARE AND SAY YOU'RE BETTER THAN HIM?! GO FUCK YOURSELF AND JUMP OFF A CLIFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT! You are a heartless human being, fuck you, fuck you drew, fuck you! Oh and your alt-name (CountBakula) is fucking gay, get a gun and shoot yourself you hipster cunt!

          So that was my rant about musicians and how much of an egotistical faggot they are, fuck them, and fuck their instruments. You musicians (especially elitists) have no talent, you wasted your entire lives playing with a shitty toy that makes noises, that's all you've really done. Gamers even have better lives than you because they have better things to brag about with their Call of Duty, Smash Bros, GTA-games, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, etc. Might as well turn your mother's basement into your own new apartment where everybody will remember you as the faggot neckbeard you really are. 

         Oh and also, he was the same person who wrote this article:

        Fuck you Drew, fuck you. I don't blame those people for being offended and cussing you out by half the most insulting things you've wrote so far. Fuck you, fuck you to a capital K! 

-Peace out bitch, Roger Hill


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