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Fucking bipedal cows |
I was originally working on another document that was going to discuss the state of my forum and I was going to share it with you to the world. I was like a hundred pages in, working hard on the document, putting all my hard work and motivation towards finishing the entire thing, and I have only one chapter left, excited to publish it... And then I checked my phone and I got the fucking news...
This fucking cunt. This sad excuse of a fucking cow. This fucking whore, slut, cuntfucking dicklicking, dicksucking, cracker-fucking, white fucking honky, whore! So if you can't tell, i'm pissed, severely fucking pissed, but that wouldn't have happened, if the Asian side of me just happened to react to that fucking article... And react to it, I fucking did. As I was reading this article, my blood began to fucking boil, my heart began to fucking beat in fucking anger all the way to the fucking top. Seeing the fact that this white fucking cracker, just degraded a race of people who have invented way more advanced things than any other fucking western country fucking combined, fucking disgusts me. I am so fucking sick of fucking women, I am so sick of the fucking entitlement that they have! They're ruining this fucking world, they're ruining fucking industries, reinforcing fucking segregation in gender form, and fucking discriminating against us, US, hard working fucking men who fucking bled and fucking died for this fucking country, and this fucking karen, THIS FUCKING COCK SUCKING CUNT, HAPPENED TO INSULT A GROUP OF FUCKING PEOPLE, THAT I AM FUCKING ASSOCIATED WITH! THIS IS FUCKING UNFORGIVABLE! Fucking white women fucking disgust me, just by looking at them, I want to fucking punch them in the fucking face, their fucking facial features defines everything about what the word, "entitlement" truly means.
You fucking women want to fucking tax men for fucking existing? SO HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DEFEND THIS!? And this is not just one woman, plenty of videos have surfaced on the fucking internet of other women doing the same fucking thing. There was another video of a woman who confronted her Mexican neighbor in his own fucking backyard. Another one was of a woman who fucking called his son a "nigger-lover", over a fucking parking lot despute! These fucking women should be sent to the concentration camps, and should be striped of their fucking humanity! And like I said, seeing this fucking article, and especially the fucking video; made me fucking snap! These fucking karens, these fucking women need to be fucking exterminated via the fucking gas chamber! Oh, but I bet, if it was a fucking man who did the fucking same thing, then the fucking media (which of course, because of George Floyd, so they can get woke points from that narrative) would be all over the fucking news, he would've been fucking doxxed, and fucking SJW's would lose their fucking shit! But because this is a fucking woman, a fucking self entitled fucking bipedal fucking clothed cow with her fucking milk leaking out of her fucking udders, then she can get away with this fucking shit! No hate crime charges, nothing! I'm so fucking sick of fucking women these days, they are getting away with motherfucking murder. There needs to be a fucking sexual sterilization for women!
I hope this fucking bitch dies, I hope this fucking bitch gets cancer, I hope this fucking bitch gets run over by a fucking train, I hope this fucking bitch gets her fucking throat slit, I don't fucking care, and I defy anyone otherwise, for me, I have fucking had it. My hatred, my fucking blood, the fucking rage that runs through it, it is indescribable. I am tired of reading the news and seeing these fucking bipedal fucking cows, these fucking bipedal fucking whores ruining society, where instead, they should be staying in the fucking kitchen, cooking our fucking dinner for us hard working men, but no, instead, they're out there, being fucking bitches and breaking the fucking law like a fucking cow. It's fucking karens like these that makes me fucking hate the human race even more.
You know, I used to just ignore them in the past, but I don't know what is it about these fucking women. Especially fucking white women that just like to approach minority groups and call them all kinds of fucking racial slurs. Like WHAT THE FUCK DO THESE MOTHERFUCKERS GET OUT OF DOING THAT! DO THEY HAVE A FUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST MASTER THAT THEY WORSHIP? ARE THEY BEING FUCKING BRAINWASHED BY THEM TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE THAT EVERYONE'S A FUCKING NIGGER?
And like I said, i'm fucking sick of fucking women. Every time I see this in the fucking news, I ask why haven't we sterilized these pieces of shit yet. Why haven't we put them in fucking re-education camps and start natural selection? Women are inferior, subhuman fucking trash, that look like a human, but in actuality, they are fucking subhumans who are unproductive pieces of fucking shit and it fucking pisses me off that these fucking people sit back and just take it. If I were in their shoes, I would fucking punch these fucking cunts in the fucking face, and then while they're on the fucking ground, kick them while they're down, and keep repeating it, UNTIL THEIR FUCKING SAD SACK OF FUCKING UDDERS BURST OUT ON THE FUCKING GROUND, ALL OVER THE FUCKING FLOOR FOR THE FUCKING, MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING BIPEDAL FUCKING COWS THAT THEY FUCKING ARE! FUCK WOMEN! I HOPE THEY ALL FUCKING DIE! I don't give a fuck if i'm being fucking sexist right now! If women can be fucking racist, then I can be fucking sexist! Stupid fucking white american cunt!
You know, and I didn't used to be this way. I used to be for women's rights, I used to root for women in the past. Admittedly, I was a misogynist in the past, but that was because I was immature and it was a different time, so my friends and I had that, "No girls allowed" mentality, but when I see fucking women, specifically fucking feminists and karens acting like this, acting superior to fucking men, discriminating and discrediting them, even though men has built up fucking society like the way it fucking is, it's fucking insulting. So yeah, i'm a fucking misogynist, and I wish I was one since the fucking beginning of fucking time.
I have been a fucking victim of this shit myself and I'm getting sick of it! I'm getting sick and tired of being mistreated as a fucking man in a fucking female dominated environment and after a while, you really start to feel like a fucking outcast. For thousands of fucking years, men have fucking ruled this fucking Earth, we have built societies, from castles to advanced trains and skyscrapers! And now, we're getting to the point where our society will be a fucking soyboy, pussified powerpuff girl environment, where no men are to be seen, and all the fucking women will take our place. I have been talked down to by fucking women, most of them being fucking rude to me, even though I tried to give them a fucking chance, and they still treated me like fucking shit! I've had more fucking women be rude to me then fucking men, and to be honest, i'm so fucking sick of this shit! There needs to be a fucking mass sterilization against these fucking people. There needs to be a fucking genocide against women!
Everyday in the news, every time I watch the fucking news, and see these fucking feminists, every time I see these fucking women getting away with their crimes, seeing fucking women that should face the consequences like everyone else, but instead, they get a free fucking pass; every time I see this fucking shit in the fucking news, I begin to question the world I live in, I begin to fucking question the fucking future, if this is what the future entails, then fucking kill me then, put a fucking shotgun to my mouth and pull the fucking trigger! I'm sorry, but I tried to give women a fucking chance, but I am so sick and tired of seeing fucking cunts like this, it's like they take one step forward, and they take fucking 50 steps back, you give them a fucking inch, they take a fucking yard, and then they fucking spit in your fucking face while doing so, and this is why women should not have fucking rights, I don't give a fuck if i'm being fucking sexist or not, good!
Besides, your gender was not oppressed you stupid motherfuckers! Tell me when have women been fucking lynched for being different? Tell me if women had curfews? The only fucking oppression that they experienced were fucking abusive husbands, and even that, that was a fucking minority and you're being fucking delusional. Stop acting like a self entitled fucking karen, stop playing the fucking victim, and be thankful about the fucking fact that you have rights just like everybody else, i'm fucking sick of fucking women who do this shit, and what really pisses me off about these articles is that nobody is fucking fighting back against these kinds of people! WHY IS NOBODY FUCKING PUNCHING THESE FUCKING CUNTS, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT, IF YOU CALL ME NAMES, YOU'RE GETTING YOUR FUCKING FACE PUMMELED INSIDE FUCKING OUT MOTHERFUCKER! THESE FUCKING CUCKS ARE JUST SITTING BACK, DOING NOTHING! YOU COULD'VE JUMPED OVER THE FUCKING COUNTER AND FUCKING BEAT THE EVER-LIVING SHIT OUT OF THAT FUCKING BITCH, FUCK THIS FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER! But no, these fucking cunts sit back and do absolutely fucking nothing, this fucking world if full of fucking cowards. I don't care if i'm inciting violence, but someone needs to teach these fucking udder-carrying cows a fucking lesson. Someone needs to put a fucking bullet in their fucking heads to make an example not to fuck with us. If nobody else is going to stand up for themselves and fight back, then I will. If nobody is going to put the bullet in and sit around, being a fucking cuck, then I will.
Women are the most fucking boastful, narcissistic cunts that I've ever fucking seen. Literally, every fucking profession that they're fucking apart of, they always feel the need to fucking boast about how they're a fucking "woman", oh wooooooooow, like anyone gives a fucking shit, I have two legs, I have two arms, I have hands too! You hear more fucking women bragging about their fucking gender then fucking POC's do! Is this what we've fucking come to as human fucking beings, where fucking gender is more important than fucking race! Yeah, because abused by a small minority of asshole husbands is way more important to be vocal about than being fucking lynched for not looking white! Yeah, because that makes a whole lot of fucking sense! No one gives a fucking shit, if you're a fucking farmer or a fucking receptionist! But according to them, they feel the need to fucking assert themselves and boast about how they're a fucking "woman". Yeah, and i'm a fucking man too, but you don't hear me fucking boasting about it! I'm so fucking sick of this shit, and you wonder why the fucking MRA's are fucking sick of this shit? You wonder why fucking MGTOW's are fed up with this fucking bullshit? You fucking wonder why incels became a thing, IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE TIRED OF BEING FUCKED OVER BY THESE FUCKING DICKLESS HUMANOID COWCUNTS!
Just like those fucking people that are angry about fucking George Floyd's death and how the fucking cops were fucking wrong for killing him, this fucking news article right here is my fucking George Floyd, and reading this fucking article made me snap. I have seen so many videos of women doing fucking shit similar to this, but this fucking article was the fucking straw that broke the fucking camel's fucking back! After reading this, this has gone too fucking far, and I hope someone finds that fucking bitch and fucking beat the living shit out of that fucking cunt until her fucking face is swollen fucking purple, there, you want to be the so called "nigger", that you fucking hate, well your face is going to fucking look like one after i'm done kicking your face repeatedly until it's fucking brown, blood drained from your fucking face. If you see this fucking bitch, this fucking cow, this fucking cunt, this motherfucking, dicksucking cracker of a fucking whore, punch her in the fucking face and fucking kick her until she fucking dies, that fucking cunt. Make an example out of that fucking bitch for me, please. So, to the fucking husband who happens to sadly be married to that fucking sad excuse of a fucking non-kitchenridden whore, and a fucking cunt, say hello to your new deformed, blood-drenched, fucking wife!
I'm so fucking tired of fucking women. I'm so fucking tired of fucking feminists, and them fucking over our fucking gender. Men have built up civilizations, we've invented the fucking printing press! We've invented the fucking post office! The fucking post office that this so called, "chink" works at, was fucking invented by Asians, you fucking stupid baked-bean eating cracker! You fucking red-faced honky whoreslut! The fucking computer that you use is made by a fucking man, the fucking phone that you're using is made by an man, the fucking mouse that you use to click on this fucking website were made and invented by fucking men, and to see women fucking discrediting us fucking PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF, FUCK ALL WOMEN, FUCK THEM ALL! If i'm fucking inciting hate and violence, and that offends you, then good! Get the fuck out you fucking normie fucking pleb, you fucking cuck.
My hatred for women has never been this strong before in my life. Like I said, I've hated them when I was a little kid, sure, I was an immature fucking, childish nine year old at the time for holding that belief, but I had matured at one fucking point, and I was pro women's rights. Like I fucking said, I fucking respected women, and to see the fucking treatment that we get in return? It's fucking infuriating! Women are the most fucking self entitled fucking people in the fucking world, especially fucking white women, white american women are the fucking worst! They are the most self entitled fucking people in the fucking world and they should be fucking sterilized for fucking existing in this fucking world to begin with. The only women that I respect in this world are Asian women, because they're not whiny, and they're very kind, they're very intelligent and well educated, and they don't fucking complain, unlike fucking white women.
If I were this country's president, I would fucking start natural selection and follow and finish what Elliot Rodger started, put them all in fucking concentration camps. Forget about hating Trump, you want an actual Hitler, I'll be the country's fucking Hitler that you supposedly hate, for you, so much so that you'll fucking wish Donald Trump was back in office again! Women have too many fucking rights and they are getting away with fucking murder, they should be put in fucking concentration camps and fucking executed via rifle to the back of the head, for every treacherous act that have been committed by these fucking abominable bipedal fucking cows. Fucking karens are fucking cancer and I wish for them to be fucking exterminated. If I was this fucking country's leader, I would decrease the Male/Female ratio population to 80%/20%. Women are disgusting fucking creatures, and this fucking cunt that I just showcased in the fucking news sickens me to fucking end. These fucking racist white women are getting away with fucking murder and they should be tried for execution! Fucking cracker, it's a shame this fucking bitch has her mask on, but whatever the fucking case, I hope that bitch gets fucking beaten to a fucking pulp! For every male baby that is born, let 10 female babies be fucking executed, sterilize the female population and keep it at 20%, because when you have more females born, that's when they become fucking self-entitled pricks. Kill every fucking karen in sight, shoot every karen you fucking see! Enslave them for all I fucking care! Exterminate them if they dare oppose us!
And to all these fucking cucks who clicked on this fucking article and are offended, here's a fucking present for you. Fuck you. I'm fucking sick of this fucking shit. As a culminating misogynist, I can proudly call myself one, and I don't regret a single word that has been said in this fucking article, I truly mean it from the bottom of my fucking heart. I am a supporter of men's rights, and if you have a problem with that, there's the back button. You ever wonder why I want to be single, you ever wonder why I don't want to have children, well that's why... They're a different fucking breed now. Kill all women!
P.S. By the way, if one of you SJW's attempt to @ me in the comments, stating the obvious that i'm a fucking "sexist", just remember that the person that you're defending is a "racist" herself... You're defending a, "racist". Just fucking remember that, m'kay?
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