You want to know what's fucking analshit? Fucking windows 10 updates. I am so fucking sick and tired of going on my computer early in the fucking morning only to wake up to a fucking windows login screen or I am prompted to fucking restart my computer, it's so fucking annoying! Like seriously, why do they have to do it like that?! It's fucking bullshit!

So guess what, I just update it as soon as I see the icon and we're good, right? Well, I finally oblige and decide to restart the fucking thing, and then after my eyes had been fucking sodomized by the fucking bright blue screen with the spinning dots in the middle, it finally takes me to the fucking login screen. So what could go wrong? Well, I login again, going back to normal, everything seems to be fine and everything, and i'm just doing my thing, minding my own business, browsing, REOPENING programs for the umpteenth time, and it's cool right? Well, i'm minding my business, and fucking 20 minutes later, I would glance back down on the taskbar to see what time it is, and then my eyes are then halted by that fucking icon at the bottom of the fucking screen. AGAIN!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! AGAIN!? I JUST UPDATED THE FUCKING COMPUTER LIKE YOU FUCKING SAID, THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!?
And that's the fucking problem, it doesn't matter if you updated or not, that fucking icon would continue to fucking pop-up, asking me to fucking restart, even though I already fucking updated! What more do you fucking want? And there's nothing more that I hate than fucking restarting. I fucking hate restarting my computer, because it makes you close everything, and you have to fucking re-open the programs again! Like why the fuck do you need to fucking do that? Can't you just update while the fucking PC is on!? And this isn't just fucking PC's either, it's also fucking smartphones as well! I have an android phone that fucking prompts me to update and if I don't, it would literally FORCE me to update the fucking phone! I mean it's my phone, it's my device, I can do whatever I want with it! Why are you holding me against my fucking will? Isn't that a human rights violation, to force the fucking consumer to do something that they don't want to fucking do? At least the fucking PlayStation doesn't forces you to update, it'll just wait until you are finally ready to update, granted some features are limited, BUT THEY DON'T FUCKING SCHEDULE A FUCKING DEADLINE WHEN THE UPDATE WILL START, REGARDLESS IF YOU WANT TO FUCKING UPDATE OR NOT!
I am writing this blog because today, I FUCKING updated my fucking PC, three times! THREE FUCKING TIMES! Had to do multiple restarts, all because this fucking PC won't shut the fuck up. It's like a fucking spoiled kid that won't stop whining, and will keep begging for some candy, and if you don't give it to him, he will then throw a fucking tantrum, breaking things around the house, resulting thousands of dollars in damages, and that's this fucking scenario right here! And just now, as i'm typing this, this is the fourth time, THE FOURTH TIME I have to fucking update my fucking PC and it's fucking bullshit! Like, if you're going to fucking update something, at least give the person the option to not update at all! You don't see fucking programs do that either! How come the programs that I've installed on my PC, don't force me to fucking update the fucking program, no, instead it would "recommend" you to update, not FUCKING FORCE YOU TO UPDATE, THEN RESTART, etc.
The one program that I can think of that actually forces you to update would be Java, because when you start your PC, it updates you automatically and then prompts you to restart, but even then, it doesn't force you to fucking restart, just gives you the option to restart later! This fucking windows 10 update thing is fucking bullshit, and then it takes a billion fucking years to fucking update the fucking PC. This morning, as I was doing my school work and everything, kid you fucking not, an hour passed by. A fucking hour! Looked up to stretch myself, and finally see if my PC had updated or not. It was STILL ON THE BLUE SCREEN UPDATING! I was wondering what the fuck was going on, and come to find out, the percentage number was going so slow as fuck! I'm not kidding, like it would increment slowly by one about every two minutes or so, making me wait even fucking further.
Oh but you thought that was fucking bad, there are fucking mornings where I would wake up and go to my desktop, only to find out that my fucking PC was back at the login screen! What the fuck!? I logged in, COME TO FIND OUT MY FUCKING PC UPDATED WITHOUT MY FUCKING PERMISSION! WHAT KIND OF ANTI-CONSUMER BULLSHIT IS THAT? THAT'S THE MOST FASCIST MOVE YOU CAN FUCKING PULL ON SOMEBODY! What if they had work that needed to be saved!? What if they were in the middle of something important, like writing a fucking document!? No! This fucking semen-drinking, cockfucking, shit of a fucking PC decides to say fuck it, we're going to update your PC whether you fucking like it or not! Fuck this fucking shit, fuck Microsoft, that fucking analfucking pieces of shit! I, the consumer should have the fucking right to do whatever I want with my fucking PC, it's what makes this capitalistic country so great, and when you can't respect my right to do whatever I want with a product and just go all draconian on me and everything, then you can suck my dick, and kiss my fucking ass! Fuck you and fuck windows updates!
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