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Showing posts from 2021

Article Update: Entry #1

This may be a minor announcement, but I feel the need to announce this because there are some articles that I have previously written on this blog that I feel needs updating. So for every change that I make to an article, I will make update posts just like this one. I am doing this to inform the readers of this blog that new content has been added to previous articles that is worth checking out, and I might go to the extent of adding jump links below, taking you to said corrections. The reason for this is that editing a post does not "bump" that article to the top, which usually informs readers that something was changed, so, applying this method to the site is a practical way to inform readers if something has been updated or not. Now, I'm not going to make this kind of post for minor corrections in previous entries such as spelling corrections or reformatted sentences for grammatical correction, these posts are only going to be applied if a new paragraph has been added ...

Blog Episode 24: And No, I Won't Buy "Kirby and The Forgotten Land"

    I wasn't kidding when I said that my decision to boycott Nintendo would fully come into fruition, and that INCLUDES Kirby... Yes, one of my biggest childhood heroes to save me from my depression and anxiety, Nintendo yet again proves my point that they are incapable of coming up with new ideas, as they have been creatively bankrupt in making their innovative games. You may be asking, "why am I still talking about video games if you said a couple articles ago that I was going to never play video games again?". Well, my naïve friend, even though I have made that decision, that doesn't change the fact that I will voice my opinion on a great dying company such as Nintendo, as I still have old scores to settle. So, even though I won't play video games, it's NOT certain that I will never touch another video game again, as it will just be ONE of the last things that I will resort to when I'm dying from boredom, so take that what you will.      So there I was,...

Blog Episode 23: Those FUCKING Spics (Continued) w/ (Audio)

      Well... Lo and behold, a follow up video to the last rant that I published on this blog about my putrid hatred for this fucking shithole of a fucking country called mEhICO, a country home to those fucking bipedal roaches that like to take our jobs, and just BE everywhere, it's absurd... Well, apparently, that last article wasn't enough to quench my thirst for giving these group of people an asschewing, no, because of the the events that had happened earlier today that I cannot explain for PTSD reasons, I've decided instead to up the ante this time and go all out with a full fledged video about it.      From the over abundance of these fucking bean munching, rice eating fucking spics, and their loud mouths which are capable of making any sane person's ears bleed, to the ruination of multiple fandoms that I had taken part of and now, had left because of it... Because of the countless 80% of MEHICUNS and their annoying "SPINICH" language plaguing those c...

Blog Episode 22: Those FUCKING Spics

    Wanna know what gets my fucking dick in a fucking twist? Fucking mexicans, I fucking hate them so fucking much, and it's not because I hate them because I'm being a racist, no I fucking hate them because they're fucking everywhere! I'm fucking serious, they are more everywhere than a fucking roach infested apartment in the Bronx. Literally everywhere I fucking turn, they're always in my fucking vicinity. The fucking restaurants that I go to is run by spics, the fucking grocery stores that I shop at is always populated by fucking spics, the fucking park that I walk by is overpopulated by fucking spics, literally every fucking where I go, I cannot be in one single area without seeing these fucking walking abominations of god's fucking creation.      And it's not their race that I fucking hate, as I respect other Spanish speaking countries like Portugal and Spain, but Mexicans are overly fucking saturated in this country that it almost feels like they own t...

Blog Episode 21: ...And I'm Done With Video Games!

I know I went into great detail in the 13th entry of the blog which is titled the Legacy ( Chapter 22: The Game Dev Journal ), which has been mentioned lots of times in previous posts, but really, that chapter isn't enough to quench the fire that has been burning inside of my head for sometime now, and that is, can you really guess? You've already read the title... That's right video games. If you remember a while back when I said that musicians are the worst group of egotistical, self-centered, anus-clenching assholes who theirs is an attempt to keep the diarrhea of their bullshit from escaping from within, and to be honest they still are, I am really misfortunate to say that sadly that's not the case. I'm not saying that musicians are not self-centered, narcissistic pieces of shits, they actually are, but one group of people that have always come back on top, I can finally say that "gamers" are actually worse than fucking musicians... Yeah... Fucking let...

Blog Episode 20: Those Fucking Limeys

Oh my fucking god, if there isn't a group of people that I can't fucking stand more in the fucking world to the point where I want to get a fucking fireplace poker, submerge it in the magma hot flames of my fireplace and then fucking gouge my fucking eyes out with them until all the fucking insides of my head, including my brain, melts with it, it would be the goddamn motherfucking, shit-sucking, dick-eating, semen drinking, anal-fucking, eye-socket gouging, teeth-grinding, brain-lobotomizing, brainfucking limeys! Yeah, I bet you haven't seen those long string of insulting words to ever come out of my fingers in a while, did you? Yeah, that's right... God's failed creation. A failed creation of fucking people so much so, that even fucking culturally, the only credential that this shitty fucking island, which is no bigger than the fucking state of New York, has are a bunch of boring fucking rocks in a circular formation and a fucking clock tower.  France has the Eiff...