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Blog Episode 26: Lego Star Wars: The Disappointment Saga

This is my wallet right now...

            Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the most disappointing thing since my son. I mean how can you fuck up one of the most lovable Lego franchises and just piss on it, take a shit on it, and overall messing up the core values of what made a Lego game a Lego game. It’s like fucking up mashed potatoes, you pour the packet, and boil the wate-


            Alright all Plinkett jokes aside, I was so fucking excited for this game ever since it was announced back in 2019. For years, I have always wanted another Lego Star Wars game that covered the entire saga of all the Star Wars movies and as much as I hated the fucking sequels, I still wanted another Lego Star Wars game regardless. The year was 2019, it was E3 of that year, and I didn’t pay no mind to E3 at the time as that was still my falling out with Nintendo during that year. I checked my YouTube notifications and suddenly was greeted to the announcement that there will be another LEGO Star Wars game… It was called the “Skywalker Saga”, I was so fucking excited.


            And so, I would begin to do more thorough research of the development of this game, that’s how much I couldn’t contain my excitement for this game. Finally, we get a chance to play every Star Wars episode redone in the 4k era of video games, and I couldn’t wait to see the ultra spicy realistic graphics and experience the fantastic gameplay of the game, as I loved the lightsaber combat in Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, with its fluid controls and eye-candy inducing lightsaber swing effects dancing around the screen, as you pummel enemies one by one in a satisfactory blow. For years, I would fantasize what an HD retelling of Lego Star Wars would be, as I fucking loved Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga as it was one of the first video games that I’ve ever played, the prequel parts of the games being my favorite.


            I would constantly think in my head how each episode would play out in the 4K, raytracing era of video games, from the arena fight in episode II to the lizard chase with Grievous and Palpatine’s arrest in episode III, I was fucking excited to see how they would retell those scenes in Lego form once again… And then came the fucking delays and my god, there were so many fucking delays, it was ridiculous. From what was originally going to be a 2020 game would go on to get the Half Life 3 treatment as year after year, the game kept getting delayed further and further to the fucking point where I even forgot the game even existed. It was ridiculous. What was even more fucking ridiculous was the ad campaigns for the game as that factor didn’t help because it was taunting the consumer that it was a game that was going to come soon but never did… And then the year was 2021, the announcement for this game’s release was going to be in 2022 and then I said to myself, “Yeah right…”, thinking that it would eventually become a fucking 2030 game, where the PlayStation 6 and the Xbox Series Z is coming out. Boy, I was fucking wrong, and so the final and official release date would finally come to fruition… On April 5th of 2022, is the day this game finally gets released, and at that point I could not contain my excitement. I saw the trailer for the game on Nintendo’s channel (ironically) as it showcased the gameplay elements, the HUD, the navigation menus, and the amazing graphics it had to offer. I wasn’t too fond of the whole gameplay change, but I thought that maybe if I still gave it a chance, it’ll eventually grow on me… Even though I said that I don’t play video games as much nowadays, I didn’t care at that point, I had to get this fucking game.


            And so, I finally got my next paycheck in the month of April and just 10 days later, on the 15th of that month, I took out my credit card and swiped that motherfucker so fucking fast, the transaction process was already finished within seconds as I rapidly hovered my mouse over the library tab on Steam and installed the game. Seeing the fact that the game was around 40gb, to me that was a sign that this game was going to be promising and I couldn’t wait for what the game had to offer. So, after pacing around back and forth in my room, killing time and what not until the installation process was completed, I was so excited as I raced towards my gaming PC and opened up what this promising game had to offer and then… The game kept exiting to the desktop… Yeah, for some reason, when you start up the game, it would keep exiting out to the desktop, so I just kept alt+tabbing it, the game constantly kicking me out back to the desktop, until by some sheer miracle I managed to get the game to finally run fine on my computer. Thank God for that… I don’t know what the fuck went on with that but whatever, the game was running and I was finally ready to play this son of a bitch!


            As the game started, I kid you not, a billion fucking logos began to pop up on screen, and you can’t skip any of them. Yes, I get it, you made a fancy looking after effects intro, but get the fuck off my screen! After my thumbs were bleeding from frantically pressing down the A button on my Xbox controller, I was finally greeted to the main menu of the game. It starts out with Rey swinging her lightsaber as she is being instructed by master Luke Skywalker, and then the game eventually pans out, showcasing all the important characters from all nine films in the Star Wars saga. I was then excited to play the game and then immediately as I was about to begin, I was suddenly thrown off by the different menu design of the game. Now, I’m not the most up-to-date with Lego games of recent times, as if you played one, you’ve played them all, but in this instance, something was missing… Something that made the Lego games charming. In previous games, the menus would have a vertical array of yellow text mimicking the font style of the film that they’re basing the game off of. In here, the menu of the game literally feels like a fucking menu to a generic mobile game. What the fuck is that about.


            So anyways, I go to new game and create a save file and then I’m greeted to the episode selection screen, each one visually being a faux, 3D emulated stop motion of reenacted snippets from the films they’re based on. Right off the bat, at this point, this game is already dead to me, because in the other Lego games, it would be a hub world where you can explore and enter levels, but here it just throws you in and just lets you select what episode you want to play. They don’t even let you select any episode, you either select episode IV or episode I and go on from there. How the fuck does this make any sense!? So, me being a prequel lover myself, I chose to start with the Phantom Menace and go on from there. The Star Wars theme plays and then the typical title crawl rolls in, as yellow text marched up the screen. If you notice very closely, the opening crawl is directly copied from the original crawl in the films. They couldn’t come up with an original crawl to accompany the game? I know this is just nitpicking, but come on, at least try to look like you care about the development of your game!


            So, we then get an opening cutscene for the game in typical Lego game fashion, and then after a cartoony portrayal of the film that it’s parodying, we then get into the gameplay of the game. At first the game looked promising as it starts out with you piloting a ship in space to a donut looking ship with a donut hole in the middle (seriously, what the fuck is that), and at this point I’m thinking if this game is going to be open world, like if it’s going to be a No Man’s Sky type of game, as that would be a fucking wicked concept for the game. So, after that, blah blah blah, more cutscenes, blah blah blah, and then we finally get into the game. The game immediately starts out with an over-the-shoulder camera angle of the player, as you control Qui Gon Jinn in this waiting room, as you run around collecting studs and force grabbing chairs and placing them in their correct spots. Instantly my taste for this game had immediately began to sour as one of the biggest gripes I have for this game is the fucking camera angle.


            What the fuck happened to the panned-out camera angle in the previous Lego games? You know? The camera that didn’t look like you were following behind someone in a fucking tunnel, because that’s what the whole fucking game looks like! So, as you’re running throughout the whole level, you’re just running down corridor after corridor, as the camera rotates behind you as if you just fucking drank 12 cans of beer, because the camera cannot fucking pan itself straight behind you, no, it has to do all these fancy motions as it follows the player, and to be quite frank, it’s fucking disorienting. And it’s not just secluded to this one level, the whole fucking game is like this. I do admire the fact that they did pay homage in someway to the original cutscenes from the original TCS game, but that does not save the fact that this game has the word SHIT written all over the game.


            Then in the second level I’m greeted to the worst voice acting that I’ve ever heard in my entire fucking life. I know they couldn’t get the original voice actors and hiring them would be expensive, but come on, even though it’s Jar Jar and I shouldn’t care, at least TRY to sound like you’re putting effort into your performance. And that’s where my love for this game ends, there’s not a single thing that I loved about this game so far. I just powered through the first three episodes of this game, and I do not want to power through the remaining six… When I completed Revenge of the Sith, I literally felt completely drained, as I realized that I’ve waited 4 years, 4 FUCKING YEARS for this shit and this is where my hard-earned $50 had went to… This game is a fucking disappointment, and that disappointment has RISEN to the top. Even the graphics at times look like unity level graphics, like unfinished assets that you would load up in the first build of a game. There are times where this game would have this beautiful raytraced look to it, but then other times it would look bland and unfinished. The gameplay in this game is fucking awful, and I’m even wondering if they rushed this game at the last minute, because levels in this game go by so fast, it almost feels incomplete, which is sad, because how can a delayed game EVEN BE RUSHED? How did Tt games manage to defy that logic!? I guess Miyamoto was wrong after all, even a delayed game is still fucking shit!


            Literally, the gameplay in this game and the controls are the most sluggish things that I’ve ever experienced in a video game ever. This is like flash game level of bad controls right here. Like when you go into a running animation, and you jump in the air, when you land on the ground, the animation for that character begins to skip frames. I’m not kidding, now I don’t know if this is a bad build on my end, or if maybe this is just a bug and updates will come into the future, but if I’m paying $50 for this game that I’ve waited 4 years for, then I expect it to be a finished, polished product. But no, instead what we got was a polished turd. It looks beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, it’s nothing but stinking elephant shit! The lightsaber combat in this game is the most stiff and un-fluid things that I’ve had to control in my entire fucking life. If you’ve played this flash game on Lego’s website back in 2011, there was a game called Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Quest for R2-D2; it was a 3d unity game. Look up gameplay footage of that game and pay attention to the combat in that game and compare that to this game, that’s literally the fucking combat in this game.


            Everything in this game feels fucking rushed, like it doesn’t even feel finished. The overall game also feels linear as well, like they don’t give any branching paths to explore and with this confusing fucking camera angle in the game, it makes minikits hard to fucking find! Instead, throughout the entire fucking game, you’re running around like a fucking chicken with its head cut off, following this yellow thing on the ground as it guides you to your destination. The whole game just holds your hand as you traverse from point A to point B, almost like you’re just sitting there and playing your way through a movie. It doesn’t help either that there are also fucking quicktime events during fucking boss battles as well. What happened to the simple button mashing boss fights of the previous games, where you just punch the boss until it runs out of hearts?  The game is so linear that I even forgot that there are destructible obstacles in the game, so as you’re traversing throughout the world, it just looks like you’re travelling through a fucking tunnel. And also for some reason they got rid of the classic studs that was used in the previous fucking games as well! What is this fucking game! What the fuck were they thinking when they made this catastrophe! In the older games, they made the studs bright and shiny to indicate to the player that they are very valuable to collect, and they were satisfying to collect, especially the blue and purple studs! In this game, the studs look so faded that they almost camouflage against the background of the entire fucking game!


The cutscenes are over the top and very cartoony, like the humor in this game is so pretentious, they were trying so hard to be funny. I did get a little chuckle from the first few cutscenes, but after a while it felt like I was watching a Ren and Stimpy cartoon. Then in cutscenes where they’re supposed to emulate and retell what was in the movies, they didn’t even use the right music for the right fucking scenes! This is why I liked Lego Lord of the Ring’s cutscenes in that game because the humor in that game is so tame and subtle and there was only humor when it was necessary, but in this game they throw in humor just for the sake of it. The voice acting like I said is just fucking garbage, like the actress (because I’m going to assume it’s a girl voicing him) for young Anakin in the phantom menace is so bad, the actress didn’t even try to disguise her voice as a boy, as every time Anakin talks, it sounds like Rainbow Dash’s lost sister talking through him. Also the voice sounds British too, so great you couldn’t even hide the British accent as well, who fucking hired these people. You couldn’t get better voice actors than these overnight actors right here?


            Overall, this is one of the most disappointing games that I’ve ever played to this date. This game in a way is almost even worse than Kirby Star Allies, as at least that game was disappointing, but it was short, like it took a little shit nugget in the toilet and then went about its day, but what makes this game worse is that this game took 4 FUCKING YEARS TO COME OUT AND ITS STILL FUCKING SHIT! Kirby Star Allies came out within one year so that was expected, but 4 years should be a long of enough window to patch out all the bugs and polish the game altogether. Instead what we got was a rushed, poorly acted, poorly designed game with convoluted and confusing mechanics and menus to navigate through. It seemed like little effort was put into this game and it got to the point where I wanted to finish this game as fast as possible, and that’s a bad sign where a game that you should be enjoying is the game that you’re trying to complete as fast as possible just so you could move on to a better game that you could’ve been playing a long fucking time ago.


            I would even go as far as to say that this game is just as disappointing as Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues, as that game also has confusing and outlandish mechanics as well, but even then, that game has grown on me and is even superior in comparison to this trash heap of a fucking game. Bottomline, this game is a fucking disappointment and I literally stopped after episode three, as I don’t have any plans to finish this game at all. It’s a shame that I went past the two hour threshold on steam, as the only way to get a refund is by playing the game under two hours and then submitting a support ticket to steam.


After playing this game, it had made me feel so void of any emotion. Like I felt like a zombie after playing this game, it was like a dementor, sucking out all emotion that I’ve had for this game. It literally took me until episode three to realize that this game is just a rushed, linear, game that even put Final Fantasy 13’s linearity to shame. The mechanics and menus are so complicated to navigate through, and everything is so convoluted! They swapped and removed some of the controls that was normally used in older Lego games such as swapping characters, and doing a double jump downwards attack. They even took out the ability to simply shoot by pressing X on the Xbox controller, instead opting for a generic first/third person shooter type game control by pressing the right trigger to aim and shoot! If we are used to playing all the previous Lego games that have written in stone what the controls should be, why the fuck would you change it in this fucking game, it’s going to confuse the shit out of old and newcomers who want to play this fucking game! What the fuck were they thinking!? It’s almost like there’s no soul put into this game, and the lazy menu designs and poor voice acting says it all! I was so disappointed to find out also that there was no Palpatine’s Arrest mission and Grievous Wheel Bike chase mission as well, as all of it was just skipped, like the developers wanted to get the game over with as soon as possible. I also noticed that they’ve seemed to drag out cutscenes to pad out the game even longer and also skip over what potentially could’ve been a mission in the game.


The main point I’ve been trying to make is that this game is a huge disappointment and I can’t believe I just lost $50 out of my paycheck where I could’ve just played Lego Star Wars: The Complete saga and get more playtime value out of that game than this lazy, rushed piece of fucking trash. Well anyways, fuck this game, and whoever thought it was a GOOD idea to switch the controls and change the gameplay style for this game needs to be fucking fired, because what ain’t broke shouldn’t be fixed, and that’s what this game just did. Fuck this game and fuck you Tt Games for getting our hopes up by making us wait 4 years for a piece of shit game that should’ve been released under a year. Go fuck yourselves!


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