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Blog Episode 2: (RANT) My Hatred of Anime Continues!


Oh boy, this is going to be a long one...

           For those of you who don't know me, I have a mixed history with anime, its fans, and its community as a whole; as most of its fans tend to be biased and have that sort of elitism mentality and trashing others based on people's preferences, much like how Sony-Nazis (my description for Sony fanboys) like to trash on people owning consoles (mostly Nintendo) that are inferior to them/the same applies to this principle.
            If you try to justify logic upon your uncooperative debater, they will proceed to write a novel/J.R.R. Tolkien level rant, trying to make you look as wrong as possible while in actuality, making themselves look like immature toddlers. It's those kind of people that really makes you lose faith in humanity, and sadly those kind of cancerous actions continue to thrive within society, and will continue thriving, after my death, and after my descendant's deaths until the planet decease!
               So i'm going to discuss my history of anime, why I still hate it to this very day, and make this article as short as possible, because I've got future articles to write and I just want to get this out of the way. I know that it will be very long and I could go on and on about every single detail that occurred to me in the past, so here we go...

          I know we're all tired of hearing the cliche,

        "When I was a kid, such and such, blah blah blah!"

         But it's true, it was an experience that I would never forget, and it's art-style has left an impact on me and few others who were new to this animated style, whom they'd find out their own corruption they're stepping in, as it spreads through the body like venom unnoticeably, but let's not start winging out with my own personal hostility, instead we'll start out luke-warm.
           After laying my eyes on this "Half-Chinky" animated abomination known as Avatar, it has opened the door to a thing that I was really unaware of in the future and of days to come, I will regret this decision and wish I've never discovered such an atrocity.
            In 2010, after binge watching music videos of movies and watching AMVs 24 hours a day on youtube, I've stumbled upon a certain anime that's still pretty popular today I believe, Naruto. I kept hearing it and really wanted to know what it's all about. Oh boy lemme' tell ya, once you go in for a whack, you can never go back, amirite? One episode after the another, my addiction was growing with this show and as each episode passed on youtube, I kept hearing people in the comments section mentioning the word, "anime".
           I looked it up on google and there it was, the art style that Avatar was influenced by.

           "I finally found it!"

           My 10 year old self said, as I was excited as ever, and oh boy will that be a mistake i'll ever make.

            Skip to four years later and I got back into anime around spring of 2014, as I lie on the bed, surfing through the Crunchyroll App on my Roku on a youthful night, there it was, an anime I was fucking hooked on again, "Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo", or "The Pet Girl of Sakurasou". I swear man, I fucking swear, I was watching this anime for days, literally spent my entire spring break watching this shit. This one anime is what spark my interest again with anime of this particular year, and down the line you'll start to see my hatred building for it as well.
              As months gone by, I've became an aspiring mangaka (the manga author), and as each month progressed, I've literally became discouraged, hindered, and paralyzed by the traumatizing shit being said by a cancerous group known as the, "Anime Community". An infamous example of this would be MAL (MyAnimeList), which should change it's name to, "Moronic Ass Losers". MAL, if you think about it, is like the GameFAQs of anime and manga, the moderators are assholes who sit back and do nothing while they let the trolls run rampant throughout the entire site, never any instances of a user getting reported. They also attack you on other sites if you dare talk bad about them, but not this site, I can say whatever the fuck I want, it's my blog and it's about venting fucking shit off my chest. This topic is one of them, and I get to say anything I want, 1st Amendment Bitch! 
              They also ban users who don't deserved to be banned, yet keep the trolls on the site. Fuck MAL! Every anime that I thought was good was trashed upon others, mostly elitists who think their shitty chinky cartoon is better and will go out their way to bluff about their fucking trash of a show. They are also the most ungrateful people I have ever met! Most shonens that I've watched where I literally thought was really good, like I was really engaged into the plot, and these fucking weebs still think it's shit, and i'm sitting back thinking,

               "This is the best show I've ever seen, what more do you want!?"

               Then you got those elitists, who think they're better than you and will say shit like,

                "You're a newfag"


                 "I've seen better"

                  Oh really, and what other mainstream anime is as good as the one I've watched? Is it one of those lesser known animes that you rather praise you fucking hipster fag?
               2014 was also the time where anime fans complained about fucking fanservice, and if they see a 5 second scene of it, they lost their fucking minds. Kill La Kill for example, has the best action scenes I've ever fucking seen, like they're Broforce level action, but then I heard from these retards about how fanservice ruined it for them, like do they not want to see a sexy chick kicking ass beating up people and owning the shit outta those elites? I actually didn't mind the fanservice and cared more about, um...


                 *sigh* You'll notice that as each month progressed, my attitude towards anime was slowly changing. From the indefatigable self to the repugnance of it all! You don't know how hard it was to hate the very thing you truly loved, a form of art you've grew up with that has revolutionized how you see the world, only to come back and end the source that defined your own life. I have been called a weeaboo (even if you just watch anime, they'll call you one for no reason at all), countless times and after being discouraged for the hundredth time, I finally said that I had enough. I was like fuck it, I can't take this shit anymore. I've dropped everything I was doing, ceased my manga project to a halt, had thoughts of disposing the papers via immolation, or selling my IP's to other authors to take credit, I just wanted to get monster that I've created out of my room, out of my house, out of my town, out of the state, and out of the fucking country, and never see that son of a bitch again!

                  And let me get into another topic about what really put the nail in the fucking coffin for me!

The, "You must be Japanese to make Anime/Manga" Controversy

               Ever since I was a manga artist since early 2012 (props to Mark Crilley for influencing me to be an artist in general), I've always wanted to make my own Manga/Anime series. Sora no Otoshimono is what brought me into the anime scene, influenced by them and wanting to make a version of my own, this however will lead to a hiatus until summer of 2014. I remember making a manga (I will not mention the name), and it's about a main character who has lightning powers, whose goal is to take down an empire. Of course the weeb self that I was, I remember reading on MAL, the discouragement from anime elitists and directing their fire towards the mangakas (manga authors) left and right. Reading this back in my time during this phase was really paralyzing for me, and I keep coming across them for 9 fucking months then, and I've slowly gravitated to feelings of anger and disheartened.
                These die-hard anime fags will tear you down, claiming that you must be true Japanese blood, JAPANESE BLOOD.

               I want you to sit down and think about this for a second...

                         You have to be "Japanese", just to draw a FUCKING PICTURE! A MOTHERFUCKING PICTURE!!!! This is their culture, this is their shitty official culture of that shit country. Mexico has Cinco De Mayo, America has 4th of July, New Orleans has Mardi Gras, China has Chinese New Year, Spain has the tomato throwing festival, and the japs culture is centered around DRAWING FUCKING PICTURES. And this is what these fucking weebs are arguing about. This is Japan's tradition huh? They're treating this like it's a fucking heritage of a sacred thing. It's not a passed down weapon, or some kind of special sport, or a recipe for a famous dish, it's a fucking culture centered around japs drawing dicks on a their chinky ass paper!
                The fact that you have to be a certain race just to draw a piece of shit art medium is fucking stupid. These people over there get to copy the fucking art styles with their same triangle shaped fuckin' eyes and their pointy havin ass chins that could stab someone if they'd laid it upon someone, and they give that a pass but yet here in America, every cartoon here has to be unique and shit, and if you ATTEMPT! to copy their art-style, then you get called out by all those jap-loving, jap-fucking elitists, calling you a weeb and everything, but if it's the reverse (E.G. Panty and Stocking), it's A-O-FUCKING-KAY! The idea of that shit where you've gotta be a jap is the most racist thing I've ever heard, racial segregation much? Yeah that's not racist, that's not racist at all.
                 This is why I hate Japan so much, every time I see a jap, I wanna punch their asses in the fucking faces, because of their over-privileged selves, they can make their chinky ass cartoon but nobody else can. This is why 1945 was a good year for Americans, we put their yellow skinned, slanty eyed fucks in their goddamn place. Fuck Japan, fuck that shitty ass looking island, it looks like it was shitted out of god's ass during the 7 days of creation.
                  I've had a couple japs come up to me and other Americans alike, taunting them, saying how privileged they are and saying that they can make their shitty mangos and their fucking animus. You can take your fucking animes and shove them up your yellow ass, motherfucker. And they're going to have the audacity to say that they can make them, but we can't, while at the same time teasing us Americans. Well woopty fucking doo! I wouldn't want to be caught dead drawing a fucking chinky cartoon on their fucking bamboo made paper made by these rice munchers! I'd rather have a fucking 10 feet elephant dildo up my ass before I even TOUCH this fucking art form. So you can draw your stupid triangle eyed, alien eyed motherfuckers on paper, the west invented animation and these fucking japs ruined it for us.
                That's like saying that only black people can rap (even though there are white rappers), only Italians can make spaghetti, and only French people can make wine. And these people are treating it as a fucking tradition. I had one weeb fag tell me that if it's not made by "Crapan", then it's not "Authentic". Oh really, so a digital form of art is being put in the same category like it's making a secret recipe, or a fucking sport, you gotta be fucking joking! Fuck the term, "White Privilege", they might as well invent the word, "Japanese Privilege" when it comes to shit like this!
                    And you know, last year around October of 2016, I gave (I fucking hate to say this) anime a chance, well to be specific, gave manga another chance. I wanted to test my tolerance, and see how much I last within the cancerous community of this day and age, because I was into Nintendo after buying my first 3DS ever (yes, the N3DS is my first 3DS ever, i'm that poor) and I was influenced by Pokemon and wanted to give it another swing at the manga scene, apparently I was fucking wrong. I tried putting my mangaka goggles back on and I took them the fuck back off.
                    I was watching tutorials and documentaries on YouTube by foreign mangakas, and reading the comments was a big fucking mistake. I see trolls in the comment section, calling them all, "weeaboos". That's how bad it is, just by liking or drawing anime now automatically makes you a weeb. There was a video about this Polish woman (I think), who moved to that yellow country and she was officially declared a, "mangaka" there and she can make her manga there, I thought it was awesome at the time that she managed to get accepted there; and I remember reading that one comment that will scar me for the rest of my life...
                   It was from a user, who called her a, "weeaboo" which lead to a long argument in the replies and this comment is one of them that was directed towards an aspiring mangaka who were one of the repliers in the chain, it really broke my heart when I read it. It reads:

                   "Well I hope you die, because you're a WASTE OF HUMAN LIFE, FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!!!"

-Anonymous Comment Writer

                      I have PTSD just from thinking about it, after reading shit like that, it has pushed my hatred towards that turd looking island to new fucking levels. My hatred towards Japan is now higher than ever before, I have progressed my Anti-Anime Hate Group and it shall rise! I only lasted for 2 weeks with this tolerance. I have never felt so offended reading these comments, like wishing death upon those who prefer an art style. I flew away from it like an eagle and never flocked back to the nest. Fuck japan, fuck anime, AND FUCK THEIR FANS!!! FUCK THE YELLOW SLANTS!!! This has OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED MY HATRED OF JAPAN!!!

                   And so, by around late November of 2014, I finally quit, I was done. I was done with the horrendous comments thrown at me. I was done with the harassment made towards new individuals. You know the anime community is like that one alcoholic husband that beats you to no end, and you know that if you leave, you will have no place to stay, no one to take care of you and etc. But then you finally grow some balls and say fuck it, i'm out and just storm outta there.
                     This video perfectly sums up my reaction as I left the community:

             So what do I think of anime and it's community as a whole? It's fucking shit and the fans are fucking horrendous! A disgrace to what it once used to be! I remember several years back, being in my early days, everyone on the forums and such were courteous to each other, helpful to one another and I kid you not, my first time joining the forums, I immediately made a friend on the site, being the first person who actually responded to me and we chatted and such through PM's and had a great fun time. Now, everyone is a fucking asshole, don't even bother with MAL, the one's introducing you are just eager to see your own suffering just like the rest of them on the boards. 

              My thoughts on anime though? My hatred has gone to a point where I even hate the country it came from, and how people over-worship this shitty looking island known as Japan and say how much it's better than America. Anime is a piece of shit, it looks like it was made in Microsoft's paint and animated 3 frames per second in movie maker. This is one reason why I glorify Western Animation, and why it's better than this new cancerous art form. People act like anime is fucking hard to make, pfft! I could make one in my sleep if I could.

              For one, Walt Disney and his company cared about effort, writing a very good story, and being a perfectionist by making sure his workers got every single frame of drawings perfect! American cartoons have more frames (well, theatrically for the most part), they are more civil (excluding cartoons on TV)in storytelling-wise, and they are very smoothly animated (24-30 FPS), yet those movies don't get as much praise as this overrated piece of shit, fast food animation called, Anime. Anime on the other hand cares about *cha-ching*, moolah! Money, they are literally the asian equivalent of the jews, why do you think Sony and their shitty playstation have so many supporters compared to the rest, because the PS4 fanboys are blind, corporate shills willing to drinking Sony's jewish Kool-Aid provided to them at the table, deceiving them one by one just like satan deceived adam and eve in the Garden of Eden.  
                It really insults me that anime is the most talked about subject pretty much on the internet right now. It is at this very moment... A thought had just came across my mind at that particular moment...

"I've created a monster!"

                  I never thought that my worst fear would come true, ever since my resignation in 2014, my worst fear. My worst fucking fear, and it's becoming popular! It's becoming more popular than ever! More than a decade ago, anime was rarely mentioned in mainstreamed media, to the point where my local store didn't even know what anime was. They didn't even have an anime section in the store, but now i'm seeing it pop up in my local Wal-Mart, in those shitty fucking bins which consists of that shit. And these japs are just ruining everything, the japs won, people... They fucking won, they are taking over our society, Sony is running everything, have their own movie studio, their "Piece of Shit 4" console, and most American companies are now being ran by the japs (Example: Warner Bros.). I have never in my life dreamed about anime being recognized in the media, but now i'm seeing shit like that Ghost in a Shell movie that came out a few months ago and there is no way to stop it now.

                     They are corrupting the youth and introducing those poor American souls into the most cancerous thing known to mankind. Oh and there is American anime, look at Avatar! Fuck Avatar, that bald headed, Lex Luthor, Mr. Clean looking bitch! And look at RWBY, i'm even seeing it in my local Wal-Mart. Animation is truly dead, it is. It is nothing more than a cash grab for little children, and they use that shitty CGI and shove as many as these big budget studios can into theaters instead of sticking with 2D animation, they don't care about the story, they only care about the money, this is why indies always win, because they make the decisions, not some big dollar nutball who runs the company. I'm going to quote a particular godsend of an animator, he was right about this, no disrespect, Mr. Fleischer and Disney!

"Animation is an art. That is how I conceived it. But as I see, what you fellows have done with it, is making it into a trade. Not an art, but a trade. Bad Luck!

-Winsor Mccay (1867-1934) 
The Michelangelo of Animators

                     There needs to be some changes around here, and I am going to start an end to the spreading disease which is known as Anime. Their fans have proved to me that they are the most uncivilized people I've ever met, very unreasonable indeed.

                       I am currently writing a Biography Journal about my experience as an anime fan, my struggles with the community, and it will be an expanded version of this very article. It will be a manual, an official diary included with my personal Anti-Anime Group that I have formed, and I say it will be the most powerful group to strike down this vile cancer known as Anime. Just mentioning and hearing the word bring back flashbacks of the horrors I've went through, violating the ears and mouth of my presence. And now you will know when I lay my wrath upon the wicked and smite them into the abyss for eternity! The stallion of light has risen to condemn the enemies of purgatory!

                          My final words to the community...

Fuck Anime, RISE THE UAAA (Union of the Anti Anime Association!)




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