That bald headed, Caillou, Lex Luthor, looking bitch!!! |
It was the spring of 2015, my family and I were binge watching the Hobbit movies, and I do have to say, CGI aside, they were the most fun movies I've ever watched with anyone! An Unexpected Journey is my most favorite of the three, and if I were to rank them from best to mediocre, I would say it in a chronological stand point.
When I finished the first hobbit movie, a burst of energy has flown through me, as if millions of horses were flowing through my veins, constructing encouragement and enthusiasm to finish my novel (It's secret), since my first time watching the Lord of the Rings movies, nostalgia came back to me at full force.
Instantly, I'd began googling elements on the web as reference to my secret novel project I was writing, it was supposed to be inspired by Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and that's when this thing came into the picture.
I was kinda curious as to what this site particularly was, it's one of those sites you keep seeing in the search results of google that you kinda ignore, until you click on it by accident and wind up by being either addicted to it or hating it and blocking the site, those two scenarios are going to be covered in this blog today because I am going to go on a full on rant in a few paragraphs, explicit warning to those new here, as my experienced knowledge in the french language will be used notably, so please excuse it.
The first ever trope I read on that site was, the Coat, Hat, Mask trope. When I found out what the site was really about, I kinda like it's concept, finding tropes in media, and turning them into an encyclopedia monopoly with examples of the trope provided down below under various tabs of different genres and mediums.
I just kept reading and reading, getting more interested into the site, searching up new tropes, reading about them, tropes that I've seen in my childhood shows, and being interested in them. I've been reading so many tropes on that site, to the point where it became the #1 visited site on my web browser. One of my favorite categories to read tropes on is the, "Western Animation" genre, as I am a huge fan of cartoons, especially old cartoons like, Looney Tunes, Disney Movies, etc.
But there is one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb every time I open up that category tab to reveal something, and it started to slowly grate on me to the point where it resulted in several fucking tantrums. Through out the first few months of my discovery, i'd begin seeing this one cartoon on the top of the "Western Animation" tab, every time I open it called, Avatar: The Last Airbender...
I began having mixed feelings about this, from my first impressions being pretty cool with it and didn't mind, to flat out fucking irritated, to the point where it STARTED TO TAKE OVER EVERY FUCKING TROPE!
So I would like to put a disclaimer out there, if you are a fan of Avatar and are one of those "fans" who rabidly loves the fucking show, then I'd recommend that you click off this page right now before I show you how much of a fucking idiot you are. If you don't know me, I have had a bad history with anime as I completely loathe Japan with a fucking passion and knowing that Avatar, the very show that introduced me to that piece of shit medium invented by the japs; seeing that shit in my fucking western animation soup, especially at the top trampling over the others, is fucking insulting! As months went by, I'd began getting annoyed, every single trope I go to, from personality tropes, character tropes, to (ESPECIALLY) fantasy tropes, Avatar is always the first one at the top, it got so bad that I made a nickname for this little cancerous fellow, I am going to refer to it as, "Avahoard/Avahog: The Last Shitbender" throughout the rest of this post.
I began seeing Avahoard on every fucking page, every fucking day, until I finally noticed something... Never in my life have I seen how fucking fat, and greedy this fucking pig is on that site, that even tropes that DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT, and Avahoard will still take the fucking trope, and it doesn't even have to be a trope about a complex character archetype! And don't get me started on the Legend of Whorra (ironically I don't mind it as much as avahog, but you get the point).
It could be anything, even something minor like the Motor Mouth trope! While other shows, movies and etc. share the same tropes as this fucking show, but non of them get mentioned, which is what i'm going to to right now, I am going to dissect this fecal matter garbage, exposing every single thing about it, and how fat and greedy this fucking slut of a pig is, down to the fucking skulls and bones of it all.
Since this is going to be a novel long post, I am going to divide this entire post into seven different categories so you won't get confused! It will cover things like tropes that are unrelated to the show, exposing it's corrupt actions, the culmination, etc. As each section progresses, I really start to lose my mind here, so I really hope you'll have fun reading my frustration and watching me lose it. Let's jump in ladies and gentlemen!
It could be anything, even something minor like the Motor Mouth trope! While other shows, movies and etc. share the same tropes as this fucking show, but non of them get mentioned, which is what i'm going to to right now, I am going to dissect this fecal matter garbage, exposing every single thing about it, and how fat and greedy this fucking slut of a pig is, down to the fucking skulls and bones of it all.
Since this is going to be a novel long post, I am going to divide this entire post into seven different categories so you won't get confused! It will cover things like tropes that are unrelated to the show, exposing it's corrupt actions, the culmination, etc. As each section progresses, I really start to lose my mind here, so I really hope you'll have fun reading my frustration and watching me lose it. Let's jump in ladies and gentlemen!
1. The Dissection
And first of all I would like to quickly mention how disrespectful this fucking hogger is to Western Animation, that this one asshole out there on this site, either has to be so fucking obsessed with that shit show, that they have to feel the need to shove this damn show down our fucking throats, or that one of them is that one "TGWTG" reviewer (You know who i'm talking about) and happens to discover this site and shove this fucking show down our fucking throats, OR these fucking tropers are paid by fucking Nickelodeon (cues X-Files Theme); Either way, these fuckers are goddamn shills!
It's gotten so far that it almost kinda disrespects the true soul of Western Animation. I'm sorry if i'm starting to sound like John K. (Kricfalusi), but I always saw American animation as the golden age, it was a time period to be respected, along with a few modern goldies, like Ren and Stimpy, Simpsons, etc.
Cartoons were always based on slapstick humor and gross out comedy, and that's what they all stand for! Not that other medium, called fucking anime. I don't even think that medium was made for adults, I think it was made for mentally retarded individuals whose broken adolescence is still at an IQ of 40 and below.
And don't give me that fucking crap about how every story has to be complex and how the main character has to look like some emo kid with their spiky ass hair for every story to pander to some SJW-attention seeking faggots (I'm looking at you, Steven Universe...). Not every cartoon has to have this fucking Spielberg-level, Stanley Kubrick-level, complex writing, and while I respect that kind of writing every once in a while, cartoons have always been what's it's known for, a cartoon, a slapstick cartoon, and to put a piece of fucking piece of shit, half-chinky ass show like Avahoard at the top of the fucking list is goddamn disrespectful to the most iconic pieces of animation that pioneered this industry today. If I was the site's administrator, I would've organized it by putting cartoons, starting from the olds ones at the top, and become more modern at the bottom, you know like an old-to-new format. But instead we have this alphabetical order nonsense, which almost feels like an excuse by the staff members there to put Avahoard the last piece of shitbender at the top of the list so it can benefit their ego as a, "fan", while failing to acknowledge the iconic cartoons that's pioneered this animation industry today.
You would think a cartoon icon like Looney Tunes, Simpsons, Ren and Stimpy, or The Disney Movies that pioneered these zany tropes would get higher praise than this garbage, but no, avahoard keeps taking the lead and stealing the fucking thunder, enough with the fucking avahoard! I even became so desperate enough that since the alphabetical order format was established, I was hoping that either "Adventure Time", or "Amazing World of Gumball", would top the list. At times it succeeds, but it is immediately swallowed by that fucking thing the next page over.
There is so much corruption on this fucking site, that i'm starting to feel that the tropers are probably backed by some mod (whose also a fan), to shoehorn this show into every fucking page as much as possible, and they try to make it sound like as if Avatar is this huge hero of animation and everything, they're like, "Yeah, this cartoons pioneered everything that we know today, it deserves an oscar and everything, it's a masterpiece!". I mean it's not fucking Citizen Kane, stop treating this show as such. Well i'm going to stop my rambling and show you some fucking proof. I will provide some images below as I've spent weeks dissecting this fucking monster and how much of a fucking greedy pig it is, i'm surprised I haven't nicknamed it, "Trope Eater". Let's dig in shall we.
Example 1.A:
Example 1.B:
In example 1.A, Avahoard was pushed to the top by some fanboy who loves this show.
Example 2.A:
Example 2.B:
Once again, it was added to the top of the fucking list.
Example 3.A
Example 3.B
Fucking christ...
These are one of the many examples that I have the offer, I could go on and on, but you get the point, these fucking shills like to shove this show at the top on majority of the pages I've visited. And most of them are irrelevant to what these tropers are trying to shove in. Like what the fuck, why can't I go to one fucking page where there's at least no fucking avahoard, at least at the top, it's ridiculous! Then you have fucking shit like this!
Up to date version
Compared to this...
Old version
No Avahoards to be found...
Not only that this gets shoehorned into my face a million times like a soldiers march, but I found out pure evidence that avahoard is straight up finding new tropes to fucking hog up. They didn't even like insert it at the bottom to indicate that it's recently added, nope they just shoehorned it in, at the FUCKING TOP!!! You know when I was originally writing this article, I was going for a rather less malicious intent, but when I checked the "Super Strength" trope to check for any updates, avahoard reigned the trope and made it its bitch, this further angered me into completing this blog.
At first, I thought my mind was fucking with me all these months if avahoard really owned those tropes, but then I checked back at,
You know an older version of that site, and as I stand corrected, most of the tropes that I've seen that is "currently" taken over by avahog; originally didn't have avahoard in there. It goes to show that this site is so obsessed with this show that I guess it's my fault for underestimating the term, "Avatard", a nickname given to rabid fans of this show.
But i'm not done yet, I have further dissecting to do, let's move on, let's talk about the inconsistencies and contradictions with this site, and how these people didn't do anything about them. First I would recommend that you visit this page,
Read the page like I did, and quite frankly, what these tropers do with their holy, "Avahoard", contradicts this page at every single possible angle, fucking it to death. You see the thing with this is that it's a page that asks tropers, not to "misuse" an example that has nothing to do with said trope whatsoever, but almost all the pages that I've come across are an example of this, and they did nothing to fix it. Honestly, I've read through almost all the pages of this website and I stand corrected that Avahoard dominates 95% of the Western Animation category, and almost in all of them, they all have nothing to do with the trope. I only have a couple evidences of this which is coming up many paragraphs later and it is the most absurd thing I've ever read in my entire life. This is also associated with the,
You see, some tropers just feel the need to shove in their favorite show on the pages, and this page is the perfect example of why I don't agree with avahoard being on every page. Either these tropers are just obsessed with this show so much that it must be shoved in your face, literally, to the point where it's in the thumbnail for the fucking thing, and even quoted. I'm quite surprised there hasn't been a page where the show is the trope-namer for it, if you're that far into it, you'd might as fucking well. You might as well change the fucking URL to,
I can't stop getting the feeling that this is some crazy, obsessed fan who just couldn't resist putting in so many avahoard examples on almost 90% of the fucking pages, and on top of that they write a fucking paragraph about how good avahoard's dick is, and how well it's glaze-frosting taste. Almost every time when you do see an example provided of that "show", then you hear them fucking ramble about how aang is a, "good" character, and how groundbreaking it is, THIS ISN'T SHAKESPEARE FOR FUCK SAKE! But then my test results came back positive that these tropers are diagnosed with,
Which is a bad thing, if you find out your partner who is a troper is going through this, i'm terrible sorry, please send him to a local place that looks like this:
2. Uses in Other Media
It's not just them plaguing the Western Animation category (God have mercy), they had to also take the, "We've gotta take this too!", mentality, which was executed 11,287 times throughout the entire site. It's already bad enough that you've literally infected this fucking category, that you had go to another category. I mean it's not like it's the Star Wars of cartoons. But here is one of them that they've infected. Thankfully (hopefully...), the damage isn't too badly done to other categories, because Batman is the dominant one of the comics category, and Star Wars dominates the movies! But one thing that really rubbed me the wrong way is how they executed this, under the film section of the trope, "Narm", take a look,
Out of all the fucking movies you could've chosen, TvTropes, you could've picked, "Suburban Commando", or "Batman and Robin", or "Biodome", anything but this shit! Like why does this show get so praised that it even shows up in the movies section!? You would think if you are so proud for your precious avahoard, you would be even ashamed to put this as an example?
And it's not just the fucking movies, they show up in the video games section, comics section, THEY'RE EVEN IN THE FUCKING TOY SECTION!!! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! But you know what, i'm done, i'm done with this fucking site, you know how angry I get at times on this blog over other shit that logically pisses me off, well this puts the nail in the fucking coffin. It wasn't me getting offended by an opinion, or an insult, no, it's the sites overuse of this fucking show as an example without giving any other fucking show a chance. Even tropes where there is only one or two examples in the Western Animation section (EX. Saintly Church Trope) where no other show would take the trope, and Avahoard is usually there, sitting there, sniggering at how fat it's gotten.
When I think of Avahoard, I think of a fat fucking pig in the fucking room who eats up all your fucking food in the refrigerator without showing any remorse. It will say, "i'm sorry", now and then, but majority of the time, it's blind to ignorance by proceeding to be your fucking trash can for your food in the refrigerator, and to put it this way sir, um, I want out! This show is more talked about than the fucking movies and comic books, which those mediums are just as important! I'm so sick of this fat fucking pig always being put on this cute little marble pedestal of its.
And you may be asking, "why am I referring to a show as a human fucking being? It's the tropers to blame and their misuse of this show as an example". Yeah, but after awhile it started to fucking grow on me to the point where I started to treat it like a fucking person where as, if Avahog was a human being and I met with him face-to-face, I would punch in the fucking face, kick him in the fucking balls and as soon as he bends over in pain, I would kick him in the fucking face!
3. Contradictions and Error
For the past few paragraphs, avahoard has broken new ground and proven to me that it can also be a cheating bastard to cash in a few more tropes in it's fucking trophy room. This overworshipped piece of shit also gets some justice as well, well... Only one, sadly... I am going to provide another image I've taken that's very anger inducing to me (PTSD issues), but not as anger inducing as the last.
Thankfully, someone had enough sanity to slap some sense into whoever the fuck did (I wasn't there thankfully) put that example in the Western Animation, but since most of the time i'm always defeated by this show's hoggery, that doesn't make up for all the other 99% of the tropes that this show has taken claim of. There are other sci-fi tech that also gets hogged by avahoard *COUGH* Rocket Punch *COUGH*. But this is one of the things I was talking about a couple sections ago, these tropers are so obsessed that they'll literally shove this example into as many pages as fucking possible, I know i'm starting to sound like a broken record at this point, but it's true, I have to keep repeating this over and over for every fucking page that this show has ruined.
It's like there was one person who deep down inside knew that all of this was going too fucking far.
Alright, a trope about a lightsaber, that's so fucking cool, I love lightsabers! It's an awesome "sci-fi" weapon and it is the iconic weapon used in Star Wars that's used to cut through any fucking thing (please note the word: 'sci-fi') possibly imaginable, what could possibly go wrong.
Let's Look At Another Example...
Oh, fuck you, go fuck yourself you fucking hog, like seriously why do these people feel the need to put this example under a fucking "SCI-FI", please note, this is a, "SCI-FI" WEAPON! I know i'm starting to sound like a fucking broken record here, but it just baffles me how this show gets overly praised. Yes we get it, this show tried something new, it went the anime route, it fucking sucked, move the fuck on, every time I see this show on the top of the list or on irrelevant tropes related to this, I have a fucking brain aneurysm, want to get a 44. Calibur Magnum and blow my fucking brains out.
Avatar is an ancient-era/medieval-era fucking fantasy about people using supernatural tricks and manipulating elements. No where in this fucking show is where aang, pulls out a fucking lightsaber, jumps 20 feet in the air and slaughters sand-people. I'll admit, it is an allusion to the Star Wars films, but that's just about it. Aang doesn't even use it in fucking combat if I can recall, no way shape or form does this example belong on the fucking page. Plus it's a fucking Wind Sword, A FUCKING WIND SWORD!!!!!!!!!! NOT A "LASER SWORD", A MOTHERFUCKING WIND SWORD!!!!!!!!! WHAT DOES THIS EVEN HAVE TO DO WITH THE FUCKING PAGE!?
But like I said, this assault to my fucking eyes is only scratching the fucking surface, we have more paragraphs to go until the climax where everything for me truly went to fucking shit. You know, as I type this, I have the fucking urge to get a bat and smash my fucking computer screen with it, but i'll get full into detail towards the end of this blog, like... Jesus fucking christ, give me a fucking break avahog, just like the bartender usually says, You've had one too many drinks, don't you think you've had enough?
4. Exposing the Bones!
![]() |
Autopsy Studies; Death caused by Avahoard: The Last Shitbender |
Another way to find out and how I found out how much of a greedy pig this fat hogger is, i'd recommend checking out the Trope Overdosed page. There you can find which series has the most tropes (A.K.A. Who is the fattest one in the entire group). Here is a recent screenshot as of 8/25/2017
Thankfully, my favorite superhero takes the lead in tropes! The first thing you see on this page is Batman, which i'm glad because it's not some stupid anime shit or something. Now the Trope Overdosed page is safe and secure, it wasn't raped. Where would avahoard rape this page anyway?
Right there, it had done it...
So we finally go to the next portion of the page down and surprisingly, prior to writing this, Avahog was at the top of the list during that time, but now has been replaced with Ace Attorney.
I'll let that one go for this round, to be honest, when I first looked up this page, I was immediately expecting avahog to be at the top of the list. I literally got so sick one day that I typed in the search bar, "What Show Has The Most Tropes", and this popped up. Fortunately Batman takes the lead on this one, but let's just hope Avahog doesn't take more tropes and go up to the 12,000 Wicks section, oh wait, what am I saying, i'm never going back to this site again, fuck TvTropes, avahog shills.
Nah, disregard that last sentence, I have a better idea! I'm going to use this part of the article as a test. If I go back to that site within a month or so, and check that avahoard manages to top Ace Attorney (the recently submitted one), than that will be the ultimate fucking evidence that these fucking tropers are avahoard cocksuckers who just want to fatten up the pig even more, which is purely fucking disgusting.
5. The Alphabetical Theory (DEBUNKED)
So I have a theory that came across me a couple months back while this article was in development, I thought to myself, what if these examples on the pages are just in alphabetical order, that could kinda be true and I hope this point doesn't contradict the purpose of my FRUSTRATION! with this site.
Let's analyze this screen shot, I took around three months ago...
Let's go with the alphabetical theory, first of all, I realized that this site will occasionally reorganize examples on the pages, listing them in alphabetical order, rather than in the original chronological order via submission. You could immediately say that this reason would defeat the purpose of this argument I've created, but it doesn't justify as the other examples of the atrocities this fucking show executed upon this site *cough cough* Laser Sword Trope *cough cough* Lightning Gun Trope *cough cough cough*.
Other times when you visit a page, avahog is randomly placed at the top for no reason at all, while all the other ones are out of order, so it's just another excuse for these shills to put avahog so they can brag about the show again. Usually when a new example is submitted, they are at the bottom of the page, indicating that it has been recently submitted there.
Say all you want that this totally defeats my argument, but please refer back to number three as proof that this doesn't justify the other cruel atrocities it has committed.
UPDATE AS OF 8/26/17
It is now fucking official, that these fucking tropers are doing this on fucking purpose! I have the screens to prove it! I was browsing on google when suddenly TvTropes popped up in my search results. I was searching something I was interested in and I was kinda invested into seeing what's going on with the page related to said search, this bullshit has been proven that these fucking shills are putting avahog at the top of the fucking list on fucking purpose! Here are the pics!
As you can see, I have aligned letters by the examples provided in the Western Animation tab, I did that to show that they did this on fucking purpose! So the Alphabetical Theory has officially been debunked. These motherfuckers did that intentionally so they can promote avahog at the fucking top, fuck you TvTropes! And the "All The Tropes" version is nothing different either!
So this proves that this isn't TvTropes, this isn't a site for educational purposes, this site is basically a huge advertisement for fucking avahog, they just couldn't keep out of this! AND WHAT EVEN PISSED ME OFF EVEN MORE IS THAT THE TROPE ASKED FOR EXAMPLES OF OFFICIALLY NAMED TITLES, THE AVAHOG EXAMPLE IS JUST AN ORIGINAL CONCEPT, IT DOESN'T FUCKING COUNT!
The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra is not a fucking excuse for a fucking example, it's just a placeholder title (just like any other show or movie, etc.) that was used in development! The Pimp Entry page is the perfect example for this type of action, it's absurd! I think that these tropers are doing this to get Avahog at the highest of the fucking list, like they're saying...
"Hmm, how can we make avahog the highest ranked show on this site, oh yeah duh! Let's just find as many tropes as we can and take them all at once, spam them at the top of the list on every page, it doesn't matter if it isn't remotely related to avahog whatsoever, as long as we have more tropes to add and cram as much into our collection, that's all that matters! We'll be high on the list in no time!"
-Some stupid avatard troper
You know what, fuck the word I've coined, "Trope Eater", it should now be renamed to, "Trope Stealer", or, "Trope Thief", because they like to claim tropes that doesn't fucking belong to them, because it's unrelated to the fucking show. They're purposely trying to surpass any other fucking show, movie, etc. while in the end, it's just a fucking underrated piece of shit show that doesn't deserve any recognition other than the fact that Avatards like to fucking buttfuck it in the motherfucking asshole! But let's get into the fucking meat and bones of all of this!
As you can see, the list is out of order, and you can see right here in pure black and fucking white that they intentionally put avahog at the top of the fucking list! And if you rearrange the examples provided, it would look like this,
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Archer: In Universe
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
- Danny Phantom
- Total Drama Island
- The Transformers
Aqua Teen Hunger Force should've came first before anything, that would've made more sense, because "Q" comes before the letter, "V"! But no, avahog needs to stay up in the fucking holy air of its, so the tropers can suck its goddamn fucking dick all the fucking time, i'm burnt out from typing this, I thought I was fucking done, but nope, this is the fucking nail in the coffin, the evidence to end all evidences in this blog post! It is clearly seen here that the list of examples here were submitted chronologically, and the first fucker that had to be at the top was fucking Avahog!
Oh my fucking god, every single time I see those four fucking words of that fucking show on the fucking screen, it's like at first glance, my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach with my reaction first being shocked, second being disgusted, and then third, purely fucking enraged; while simultaneously i'm losing brain cells as each minute passes by, wanting to further my fucking suicide. It's a kiss of death for your favorite tropes.
Then came the others, with one example that could've came first alphabetically and the rest were fucking buried under Avahog's feet! Avahog, you are a fat fucking swine, how about you eat some fucking trope vegetables and lose all that fucking weight you fat motherfucking cocksucking piece of shit hogger. Seeing this bullshit corrupt move by the tropers right here pissed me off so fucking much, AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN FIX THE FUCKING ISSUE WITH REARRANGING IT, THEY JUST FUCKING LEFT IT! YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT! YOU CAN'T JUST PUT THIS 2-INCH DICK WHO'S I.Q. SHARE'S THE SAME OF THAT 2-INCH DICK AND SHOVE IT AT THE FUCKING TOP OF THE PAGE! THIS IS BULLSHIT, THIS IS HORSESHIT, I RATHER PUT BULLSHIT AND HORSESHIT IN A FUCKING BLENDER AND CREATE A DIARRHEA PARTY FEST ALL OVER THE FUCKING WALLS AND DRINKING THE FUCKER DOWN MY FUCKING THROAT!
It's also another example of the, "We've gotta take this too!" mentality again, there has to be some mad troper running around the site, I mean this has to be a fucking joke right!? Like they must be high on some fucking weed to pull this dick move right? Like they just find every fucking little minor trope page on the site, then they gotta inflict upon it with their fucking religion avahog babble into the fucking tab! I'm so fucking pissed, but nope, this is just the fucking beginning, here comes number six, the finale! Well typically the climax, but still, this is where I completely lose my shit, so read up kids! Imma tear this fucking site a new fucking asshole! I've been wanting to do this fucking post for a long fucking time and I won't further delay the inevitable!
6. Der Höhepunkt!
So we finally get to the finale, the climax of it all, so what was it that I have had you guys waiting for all these paragraphs? Well, what i'm about to show you is the most backwards ass thing I've EVER FUCKING SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! The most bullshit thing I've ever seen, from the pits of hell, to the heavens of the entire galaxy, between space and time, the alpha and omega, the void of space, dark matter, to the very first creation of the universe, from the bottoms of the abyss, to the nonredeemable demons of purgatory, here it is...
7. Denouement
I'm sorry if any of you were disturbed by all of that, especially that ride down there, I fucking snapped. I'm sorry, I fucking snapped, i'm sorry if I sound like a mentally ill person who's just had a mental breakdown but I had to get it out, that's the purpose of venting. I just wanted to get this off my chest, my history with anime and seeing avahoard doesn't mix pretty well, it just makes it worse.
For two fucking years, I tried to hold it in, I tried to hold it all fucking in, but every time I open this fucking,, it's as equivalent as to
going around a dark fucking alley way, you're minding your own business and everything, and you're having a sweet ass, fine ass day, and some fucking 9'1 basketball-built motherfucker, all naked and shit comes out the corner, as soon as you turn into his lane, he sticks his big uncircumcised fucking dick in your mouth by accident, all the while uncomfortably I might add, and he'll say, "Oops, i'm sorry!", but the damage has already been done, and that experience will leave you traumatized for days. Then the next day, you're walking down the street, it's a sweet ass, fine ass day, minding your own business again, but this time you're paranoid, you're paranoid that you're going to have that happen to you like yestarday, and that's this fucking case scenario!
Nah fuck that metaphor, this is like sticking your dick in a fucking fish tank full of fucking piranhas, and expecting them not to bite your dick off! Every single fucking day, I've been paranoid of opening new trope pages, because the first thing I always expect is fucking avahoard, and it fucking pisses me off so fucking much! How did an underrated piece of shit fucking show like Avahoard get so much fucking praise by the fucking avatards, that it turned into a fucking circlejerk centered around tropers jacking this show's fucking dick off, as it stands on its marble fucking pedestal!? I can't believe it, I literally can't fathom and process in my mind that this show tops every other fucking show in the fucking tabs!
I literally had fucking moments where I like threw my fucking laptop against the fucking wall, causing it to get several blue screens of death because of how fucking frustrated I was with this site, this fucking hog just eats up all the fucking tropes and ruins it with it's fucking shit-stained fucking hands, because avahog is a piece of fucking shit, the fucking villains are like 60's batman villains, the music is fucking cheesy with it's stupid ass brassy horn soundtrack whenever the fucking fire nation shows up that goes, "DUN DUN DAH DUUUUUUUUNNNNNN", and some guy whispering in it, chanting,
"cha-cha cha, cha, cha kacha chacha cha kacha yah kacha cha!"
Well you know what, I can make a fucking soundtrack for this shitload, motherfucking, anus-licking, cock-grabbing, piece of chester-fuck too! It goes like this!
"Fuck yah, fuh fuh fuh fuck ya, fuh fuh fuh fuck ya fuck yah, yah, yah!"
The main character is so fucking annoying, more annoying than Jake Lloyd, and I could go on and on and on about this fucking shit! Also, shitty animation, thank you for introducing me to this piece of shit medium called, anime! Fucking thank you, you've fucked me successfully, five years of fucking rape by the anime community and their bullshit fans.
True fucking story, i'm not lying, it's fucking true, I was once browsing TvTropes, and came across a trope called, "Rocket Punch", it was a concept for one of my characters I had in mind and wanted to see how other mediums handled the ability, note this was a fucking, "Rocket Punch", A ROCKET! A FUCKING ROCKET!
And let me get into the Showdown at High Noon trope, and explain how fucking bullshit this explanation is.
I literally had fucking moments where I like threw my fucking laptop against the fucking wall, causing it to get several blue screens of death because of how fucking frustrated I was with this site, this fucking hog just eats up all the fucking tropes and ruins it with it's fucking shit-stained fucking hands, because avahog is a piece of fucking shit, the fucking villains are like 60's batman villains, the music is fucking cheesy with it's stupid ass brassy horn soundtrack whenever the fucking fire nation shows up that goes, "DUN DUN DAH DUUUUUUUUNNNNNN", and some guy whispering in it, chanting,
"cha-cha cha, cha, cha kacha chacha cha kacha yah kacha cha!"
Well you know what, I can make a fucking soundtrack for this shitload, motherfucking, anus-licking, cock-grabbing, piece of chester-fuck too! It goes like this!
"Fuck yah, fuh fuh fuh fuck ya, fuh fuh fuh fuck ya fuck yah, yah, yah!"
The main character is so fucking annoying, more annoying than Jake Lloyd, and I could go on and on and on about this fucking shit! Also, shitty animation, thank you for introducing me to this piece of shit medium called, anime! Fucking thank you, you've fucked me successfully, five years of fucking rape by the anime community and their bullshit fans.
True fucking story, i'm not lying, it's fucking true, I was once browsing TvTropes, and came across a trope called, "Rocket Punch", it was a concept for one of my characters I had in mind and wanted to see how other mediums handled the ability, note this was a fucking, "Rocket Punch", A ROCKET! A FUCKING ROCKET!
It's a rocket you motherfucking hippofucker! That's what it is, it's a motherfucking, rhinoceros doing backflips, elephant fucking rocket! So what pissed me off you may ask. I scrolled down the fucking page in the fucking,, and look what I fucking found!?
Fucking avahog, that's what! You know what's fucking funny, the first part of the description reads, "of all places", yeah, of all fucking places, that's the question I would like to know the fucking answer to; OF ALL FUCKING PLACES, WHY IS AVAHOG ON THIS FUCKING LIST!?
I was so fucking pissed, and I still remember what exactly fucking happened, I literally screamed out loud in my fucking room,
THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!After that noise, was fucking proceeded by me flipping fucking cups of pencils onto the fucking floor, pulling out the motherfucking keyboard and no fucking kidding, I smashed my fucking keyboard onto the fucking floor, two keys flying out in opposing directions, one of them was the, "Tab", key and the other was the, "Esc" key. I then went outside, got a fucking baseball bat and beat the ever-so-fucking living shit out of my motherfucking punching bag outside in my backyard, fuck this shit i'm fucking done, i'm fucking done with you TvTropes, i'm fucking done! YOU TOOK A TROPE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! YOU RUINED SO MANY FUCKING TROPES, I COULD NAME FIVE ON THE TOP OF MY HEAD, AND THERE ARE STILL MORE TO BE DISCOVERED!
- Strange Salute
- Lightning Gun
- Flight of Romance
- Saintly Church
- Showdown at High Noon
And let me get into the Showdown at High Noon trope, and explain how fucking bullshit this explanation is.
Another bullshit excuse just to put avahog at the top of the fucking list, props for being at top fucking top, how charming, you are one of a goddamn kind! Avahog took ALMOST LITERALLY EVERY FANTASY TROPE, they took the fucking mook tropes, they took any tropes that have swords in them (Mexican Stand Off, Three Amigos Tropes, etc.), they even take a portion of the fucking Sci-Fi section of the site and even took another dimension!
I am so sick, I am so fucking sick of seeing that stupid show used as an example, it's been overused, over saturated, and fucking over worshiped! You would think by now, they would stop, I mean the show has been dead for almost a fucking decade, but no, THEY KEEP TAKING MORE TROPES TO ITS FUCKING SPIDER WEB, WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS!? IT'S BULLSHIT!!! I bet one of the recent tropes, "Mook Face Turn", has fucking avahog in it, if not on the first fucking example, fucking shoot me if that happens!
There are other fucking American cartoons that are just as popular as this, if not even more fucking popular than this fucking show, in fact, they're fucking icons! Avatar is an underrated mess of a cartoon and it fucking deserves to be one, but yet it gets so much fucking praise by the TvTrope shills.
Why not the more noteworthy popular cartoons like the fucking Simpsons? Or Looney Tunes!? Or Tom and Jerry!? Or even Ren and Stimpy or Spongebob!? Put them at the top of the list, these are famous cartoon icons! But no, fuck those shows, this show deserves more fucking praise than the fucking rest! I even think Avahog (The half chinky asian cartoon) has more fucking tropes than these other cartoon icons, and it's not even set in the modern age! And if it is used in a modern age example, then Avahog will avert it with some fucking ancient counterpart example bullshit!
You would think that those other shows I mentioned have more episodes than Avahog, (Simpsons is 20 fucking seasons for christ's sake!) thus meaning more fucking tropes for them? But no, Avahog still makes it to the top, woohoo! Let's throw a parade for this motherfucker! *sarcasm*. Avahog you are a disgrace to western animation, and you should be a fucking shamed! It's almost like it's putting down other cartoon classics and shoving them to the side while this fucking shit show gets all the bitches. Tex Avery, Milt Kahl, and the other Disney's Nine Old Men would be rolling in their fucking graves at this point.
If you want to know the perfect definition of what the word overrated means, well here it is, this fucking blog i'm writing is full fucking proof of it, and rightfully so, I've put this crisis behind me now, and I will finally say, I can rest in fucking peace, R.I.P. Roger Hill, I won't be pushing up fucking daisies now, whoop de fuckin' doo!
I literally feel like i'm the only person in this world who feels this way, please correct me if i'm wrong, but I have to be, I have to be fucking crazy to write a fucking novel long fucking blog! Do you know how long it took me to write this, it took me a month to prepare all the evidence, I spent hours organizing these images and editing all of them, just to put them into a neat folder, and on top of that, I spent all night writing this, went to sleep in the morning, woke up at noon, and re-editing this as I fucking type this of this time at the moment! Just to prove how fucking stupid this situation is!
I really have the be the only person in the world who feels this way right? Please, tell me if I had lost my fucking mind! The fucking culmination of all of this is the build up of all the fucking times, all the fucking two years this fucking show has assaulted and disrespected, every single fucking medium, treating this show like a fucking king for the half-chink cartoon that it is and placing it on that fucking little column pedestal of its, how about I get a fucking axe and chop that shit into pieces as it tumbles down like a motherfucking forest tree!!? TIMBER MOTHERFUCKER, TIMBEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sick, I am so fucking sick of seeing that stupid show used as an example, it's been overused, over saturated, and fucking over worshiped! You would think by now, they would stop, I mean the show has been dead for almost a fucking decade, but no, THEY KEEP TAKING MORE TROPES TO ITS FUCKING SPIDER WEB, WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS!? IT'S BULLSHIT!!! I bet one of the recent tropes, "Mook Face Turn", has fucking avahog in it, if not on the first fucking example, fucking shoot me if that happens!
There are other fucking American cartoons that are just as popular as this, if not even more fucking popular than this fucking show, in fact, they're fucking icons! Avatar is an underrated mess of a cartoon and it fucking deserves to be one, but yet it gets so much fucking praise by the TvTrope shills.
Why not the more noteworthy popular cartoons like the fucking Simpsons? Or Looney Tunes!? Or Tom and Jerry!? Or even Ren and Stimpy or Spongebob!? Put them at the top of the list, these are famous cartoon icons! But no, fuck those shows, this show deserves more fucking praise than the fucking rest! I even think Avahog (The half chinky asian cartoon) has more fucking tropes than these other cartoon icons, and it's not even set in the modern age! And if it is used in a modern age example, then Avahog will avert it with some fucking ancient counterpart example bullshit!
You would think that those other shows I mentioned have more episodes than Avahog, (Simpsons is 20 fucking seasons for christ's sake!) thus meaning more fucking tropes for them? But no, Avahog still makes it to the top, woohoo! Let's throw a parade for this motherfucker! *sarcasm*. Avahog you are a disgrace to western animation, and you should be a fucking shamed! It's almost like it's putting down other cartoon classics and shoving them to the side while this fucking shit show gets all the bitches. Tex Avery, Milt Kahl, and the other Disney's Nine Old Men would be rolling in their fucking graves at this point.
If you want to know the perfect definition of what the word overrated means, well here it is, this fucking blog i'm writing is full fucking proof of it, and rightfully so, I've put this crisis behind me now, and I will finally say, I can rest in fucking peace, R.I.P. Roger Hill, I won't be pushing up fucking daisies now, whoop de fuckin' doo!
I literally feel like i'm the only person in this world who feels this way, please correct me if i'm wrong, but I have to be, I have to be fucking crazy to write a fucking novel long fucking blog! Do you know how long it took me to write this, it took me a month to prepare all the evidence, I spent hours organizing these images and editing all of them, just to put them into a neat folder, and on top of that, I spent all night writing this, went to sleep in the morning, woke up at noon, and re-editing this as I fucking type this of this time at the moment! Just to prove how fucking stupid this situation is!
I really have the be the only person in the world who feels this way right? Please, tell me if I had lost my fucking mind! The fucking culmination of all of this is the build up of all the fucking times, all the fucking two years this fucking show has assaulted and disrespected, every single fucking medium, treating this show like a fucking king for the half-chink cartoon that it is and placing it on that fucking little column pedestal of its, how about I get a fucking axe and chop that shit into pieces as it tumbles down like a motherfucking forest tree!!? TIMBER MOTHERFUCKER, TIMBEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every single trope, every single genre, every single medium, every single fucking page ranging from character tropes, to sci-fi, to politics, to fantasy, to EVEN SPACE! They took it all! They just couldn't keep avahoard's hands to itself! I mean, my God, it's fucking chaos! You had one job mods, one fucking job! You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it! (Quote by Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park, 1993)
Also, every single fucking magic trope is taken, every single fucking one of them! From the Magocracy Trope, to the Evil Sorcerous Overloard trope! First of all, there's a difference between magic and bending! Magic has always been about learning, progressing and the use of wands, using various ingredients to execute different fucking spells, etc. It is for people who mostly never heard of magic before, and it is usually passed through by others so they will know about it, kinda like a secret society, mostly how an education system works.
Bending is fucking different! It's the same thing with the force from Star Wars, it is a natural phenomenon among users, a talent and an ability they are born with, to manipulate elements at their will without any fucking special ingredient used! The fact that they took all the fucking magic tropes is goddamn absurd (they even took the fucking potion tropes for fuck sake) and like I said, just another fucking excuse to shove avahoard in without any strategic planning beforehand.
When I think of magic, I think of a variety of different spells used to create different things, from wonder (EX. Making plants grow), to acts of self defense (EX Death Spells), to even entertainment (EX Creating Fireworks). Bending is not fucking magic, it's a natural weapon that individuals are born with, and the results of executing the special ability are always the same and doesn't vary with spells, etc. Magic on the other hand is something you learn, hence why Harry Potter would be a perfect fucking example for this subject matter. Oh and also, move sets don't fucking count, yeah the ones where they teach you certain moves in the show, it doesn't count, it's not a fucking spell, it's kinda similar to the Lightsaber Forms from Star Wars. A style of combat doesn't count as a fucking spell.
Every single fucking time I go to a fucking trope I like, my fucking boner gets hard as fuck, and i'm in pure anticipation and as soon as I open the fucking tab, avahoard just pop up, my fucking boner fucking dies and sinks like the fucking titanic, and it just makes me angrier and fucking angrier! And I couldn't stop myself, it was like an addiction, I just keep coming back for more and more, only to get fucking socked in the fucking face by an elephant's fucking dick every fucking time by this stupid half chinky ass cartoon! Even on the discussion boards, avahoard is mentioned lots of times in the fucking topics, referencing them and comparing it to other fucking shows!
Also, every single fucking magic trope is taken, every single fucking one of them! From the Magocracy Trope, to the Evil Sorcerous Overloard trope! First of all, there's a difference between magic and bending! Magic has always been about learning, progressing and the use of wands, using various ingredients to execute different fucking spells, etc. It is for people who mostly never heard of magic before, and it is usually passed through by others so they will know about it, kinda like a secret society, mostly how an education system works.
Bending is fucking different! It's the same thing with the force from Star Wars, it is a natural phenomenon among users, a talent and an ability they are born with, to manipulate elements at their will without any fucking special ingredient used! The fact that they took all the fucking magic tropes is goddamn absurd (they even took the fucking potion tropes for fuck sake) and like I said, just another fucking excuse to shove avahoard in without any strategic planning beforehand.
When I think of magic, I think of a variety of different spells used to create different things, from wonder (EX. Making plants grow), to acts of self defense (EX Death Spells), to even entertainment (EX Creating Fireworks). Bending is not fucking magic, it's a natural weapon that individuals are born with, and the results of executing the special ability are always the same and doesn't vary with spells, etc. Magic on the other hand is something you learn, hence why Harry Potter would be a perfect fucking example for this subject matter. Oh and also, move sets don't fucking count, yeah the ones where they teach you certain moves in the show, it doesn't count, it's not a fucking spell, it's kinda similar to the Lightsaber Forms from Star Wars. A style of combat doesn't count as a fucking spell.
Every single fucking time I go to a fucking trope I like, my fucking boner gets hard as fuck, and i'm in pure anticipation and as soon as I open the fucking tab, avahoard just pop up, my fucking boner fucking dies and sinks like the fucking titanic, and it just makes me angrier and fucking angrier! And I couldn't stop myself, it was like an addiction, I just keep coming back for more and more, only to get fucking socked in the fucking face by an elephant's fucking dick every fucking time by this stupid half chinky ass cartoon! Even on the discussion boards, avahoard is mentioned lots of times in the fucking topics, referencing them and comparing it to other fucking shows!
I bet TvTropes has a fucking shrine dedicated to just nothing but avahoard, nothing more, nothing less, just a fuckin temple where they bow down and do some fucking General Zod, gymnastics type shit around the fuckin' statue just to appease the fucking avagod, like what the fuck!? Like I wonder what was going on at one of their meetings with the mods for their decision to use this atrocity of a show in the fucking examples!?
*high, drunk and shit*
Troper Leader: Hahahahaha, that's a funny fucking joke!
Troper: Yeah, I told this guy to go teabag himself, and he did, 69'ed his ass back home!
Troper: Jesus i'm tripping balls!
Troper Leader: What da fuck is a Jessie!?
Troper: Haha, what this, what this, I see a trope over there, hey, what the fuck can we do to put something nonsensic-sen-sen *burp* sensical aye?
Troper Leader: He-hey, you know, ahehehaha, you know that ava-guy, or ava-whatever the fuck his name is, let's put him in there, hahaha!
Troper: Good I-I *burp* dea! *submits avahoard in the page*
Troper Leader: I swear to fuckin god man, you're gonna be my fucking wife, one fucking day!
Troper: What in the mother of fuck happened last night!?
I have officially sworn an oath to this fucking day that I will not return to TvTropes ever again, unless the situation calls for a reference which is very fucking rare. One of my most favorite and most visited sites is now ruined. Avahog owns TvTropes , it is official, let's just put it as that, it used to be so much fun reading the tropes, but now my tolerance has grown tired, I should've quit since day one, but because when you love something, it's hard to let it go, but now i'm officially letting it go, I am finished. I use an extension on Google Chrome called, "Personal Blocklist", and have blocked the site, from now on I won't be able to see that site ever again. What's even sadder is that, even though I left TvTropes, now i'm seeing Avahog on other fucking sites as well.
It's fucking true, I was minding my own business, because I was done with TvTropes at the time, and in the comfort of my own fucking room, surfing on my laptop, I was just watching some YouTube videos to kill time. The video was about 10 Super Mario Theories (or something like that along those lines) created by the fans. I was pretty interested in watching it, so I gave it a shot and one of the examples provided on the list on that video was, you guessed it, fucking avahoard! And it gets even worse, they try to compare every single minor trait of the Italian plumber and calling him, "possibly the avatar", and that a 1up, means reincarnation (just like the avatar). Like that doesn't remotely have anything to do with avahog, AT ALL!!!
Yeah, it's slightly similar in a same shade of light, but it's two different fucking franchises! There are many fantasy shows and movies out there that have similar elements, that's why they have the, Necessary Weasel trope, because most fantasies are written this way! That's like comparing an apple to an orange and saying that they're both round, and they both grow on trees, yeah from a logical view, BUT THEY'RE TWO DIFFERENT FUCKING FRUITS GROWN ON TWO DIFFERENT FUCKING TREES! Also, MARIO CAME LONG BEFORE THE FUCKING SHOW EVEN EXISTED, 20 FUCKING YEARS TO BE EXACT! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU COMPARE A FRANCHISE TO THIS SHOW WHEN IT DIDN'T EXIST BACK THEN!?
I bet this theory was probably created by these fucking tropers who had to spread their religious avashit on other fucking sites too! Not only that avahoard has invaded TvTropes, but now i'm seeing it on fucking other sites, to even seeing fucking profile pics of them, this is fucking bullshit!
Just because Mario can shoot fucking fire balls out his dick and ice balls out his fucking ass, doesn't mean that he's the fucking avatar! So I guess the frogsuit and the hammer suit is also apart of that theory as well. This theory goes to show that they'll fucking compare avahoard to anything nowadays! I bet they'll even compare it to Indiana fucking Jones and say that, "since he told Mola Ram that he betrayed shiva and made the sankara stones catch on fire, he must automatically be a firebender!".
Well congratulations Avahog, you've outdone yourself good and well, I see you have succeeded. You should earn a Guinness World Record for the most tropes that are hogged by you, hahaha, well it was nice meeting you TvTropes, I wish your site well, fuck you...
It's fucking true, I was minding my own business, because I was done with TvTropes at the time, and in the comfort of my own fucking room, surfing on my laptop, I was just watching some YouTube videos to kill time. The video was about 10 Super Mario Theories (or something like that along those lines) created by the fans. I was pretty interested in watching it, so I gave it a shot and one of the examples provided on the list on that video was, you guessed it, fucking avahoard! And it gets even worse, they try to compare every single minor trait of the Italian plumber and calling him, "possibly the avatar", and that a 1up, means reincarnation (just like the avatar). Like that doesn't remotely have anything to do with avahog, AT ALL!!!
Yeah, it's slightly similar in a same shade of light, but it's two different fucking franchises! There are many fantasy shows and movies out there that have similar elements, that's why they have the, Necessary Weasel trope, because most fantasies are written this way! That's like comparing an apple to an orange and saying that they're both round, and they both grow on trees, yeah from a logical view, BUT THEY'RE TWO DIFFERENT FUCKING FRUITS GROWN ON TWO DIFFERENT FUCKING TREES! Also, MARIO CAME LONG BEFORE THE FUCKING SHOW EVEN EXISTED, 20 FUCKING YEARS TO BE EXACT! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU COMPARE A FRANCHISE TO THIS SHOW WHEN IT DIDN'T EXIST BACK THEN!?
I bet this theory was probably created by these fucking tropers who had to spread their religious avashit on other fucking sites too! Not only that avahoard has invaded TvTropes, but now i'm seeing it on fucking other sites, to even seeing fucking profile pics of them, this is fucking bullshit!
Just because Mario can shoot fucking fire balls out his dick and ice balls out his fucking ass, doesn't mean that he's the fucking avatar! So I guess the frogsuit and the hammer suit is also apart of that theory as well. This theory goes to show that they'll fucking compare avahoard to anything nowadays! I bet they'll even compare it to Indiana fucking Jones and say that, "since he told Mola Ram that he betrayed shiva and made the sankara stones catch on fire, he must automatically be a firebender!".
Well congratulations Avahog, you've outdone yourself good and well, I see you have succeeded. You should earn a Guinness World Record for the most tropes that are hogged by you, hahaha, well it was nice meeting you TvTropes, I wish your site well, fuck you...
This long, long, long post that I have painstakingly put effort into writing is a summary of all the fucking pain that I've went through, I wanted to make every single hateful word count on this fucking post for the annoyance of this over worshiped piece of shit known as, "Avatar", the rage that's literally running through my fucking veins, just, Avatar This and Avatar That, oh Aang This, Aang That, Aang is a fucking hero, ooh, Zuko is a fucking dick! That's why he's that way- SHUT THE FUCK UP, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ITHSB-
I'm fucking done with this, i'm fucking done. I'm really sorry if I offended you all, but I loved you TvTropes, I fucking loved you, you were like a brother to me! I used to go on your site every single day, and looked forward to reading your shit, like it was a fucking drug addiction! But after this fiasco, i'm done, i'm tired of hearing about Avatar, I don't wanted to be reminded of anime, it being in my western animation fucking soup (that's the main reason why I migrated to western animation), and the fucking horrors I went through, and to be shoved into my fucking face!
I tried not to explode for two years, two fucking years, you know what no, i'm not fucking sorry, i'm going to say it out loud and clear, fuck you TvTropes, fuck you, go fuck yourselves! Fuck you avatar, you've given me cancer after shoving that fucking example of a show down my fucking throat and I've been dealing with it for two fucking years! Two years, too motherfucking many! Fuck you TvTropes, fuck you! I'm done! Fuck it!
Au Revoir!!!
I'm fucking done with this, i'm fucking done. I'm really sorry if I offended you all, but I loved you TvTropes, I fucking loved you, you were like a brother to me! I used to go on your site every single day, and looked forward to reading your shit, like it was a fucking drug addiction! But after this fiasco, i'm done, i'm tired of hearing about Avatar, I don't wanted to be reminded of anime, it being in my western animation fucking soup (that's the main reason why I migrated to western animation), and the fucking horrors I went through, and to be shoved into my fucking face!
I tried not to explode for two years, two fucking years, you know what no, i'm not fucking sorry, i'm going to say it out loud and clear, fuck you TvTropes, fuck you, go fuck yourselves! Fuck you avatar, you've given me cancer after shoving that fucking example of a show down my fucking throat and I've been dealing with it for two fucking years! Two years, too motherfucking many! Fuck you TvTropes, fuck you! I'm done! Fuck it!
Au Revoir!!!
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