Alas, I am back from the dead to beat the dead horse once again, my take on Nintendo as a terrible company. You may have read back in my last post about how E3 was the last straw that broke the camel's back for me, as it was a shitty presentation showered with shitty, forgettable 3rd party games, and a sad attempt by Nintendo to innovate with their recent line up of 1st party games, but whatever, at least we have a New Nintendo Switch to be shown off he- Oh wait.... That never happened... Well, back to hating Nintendo again.
For years, I've always wondered why so many people hate Nintendo, if these people who hated them were just those elitists who thinks their console and pixel count is superior to others, but as I looked deeper into this matter combined with my own personal experience of getting several of my video's copyrighted on my 𝕛𝕒𝕪𝟟𝟟𝟟𝟝𝟝 account (the YouTube account as mentioned in the "Legacy" post), I've began to realize that Nintendo is fucking greedy. They hate fun, and they hate their fans, as they like to relentlessly take down people's projects, despite the fact that the FREE fucking tributive works of the fans are clearly showing support to a product by sending a love letter to the company that they admire, only for them, seconds later to tear it down. This is like sending a love letter to someone you love, and in return they fucking rip it to shreds and give you the middle finger, it's ridiculous!
Overtime, I'd began to realize that Nintendo is like a fucking school bully that likes to pick on the weak and make them their bitch. You know the developer for the Platinum games who's most popular game is Bayonetta, you know how the developer for that game which is Hideki Kamiya is known to be a dick on Twitter and how he hates his fans and anyone who supports him by simply blocking them altogether? Well that's Nintendo. Nintendo is literally the Hideki Kamiya of video game companies, instead of Tweets that they take down, instead it's the games they take down. They hate support, they hate their fans as they continue jacking off in their fucking faces with shitty, lackluster, empty fucking games with little effort put into them only to pull the excuse card that "They'll finish the game through updates". What kind of bullshit move is that? That's like being served a fucking steak at a restaurant five minutes later after ordering, only for them to serve it to you 30% cooked, and then the waiter will occasionally return to your table to cook it in front of you. This kind of fucked up practice for releasing games is almost as bad as the fucking "pay-to-win" games that EA pumps out. What happened to the slogan that your company used to live by when you believed that a rushed game was bad, and a delayed game was good? In this scenario, that doesn't seem to be the case...
And for those that may be asking if there's any evidence of them doing this, I have fucking lots of them. When Splatoon 2 first came out, the game felt so fucking empty, to the point where you had to wait for the updates to make the game feel finished. Kirby Star Allies had the same thing... Granted here, the game was (supposedly) already finished, but yet, you shoehorned additional fanservice characters months after the game was released, ALONG with a new mode to play in, where you could've just added this all in before release. And I know the discussion of DLC is controversial, so I don't know the lines of what is considered DLC and what is considered unfinished, but I would have to say that the worst offender would be Mario Tennis Aces. When the game first came out, there were barely any stages to play in, leaving you with I believe only four of them. That is fucking bad when your game only has four fucking stages that it even pales in comparison to a fucking EA game. Fucking Star Wars Battlefront (2015) had more fucking battle stages than this pathetic release of a game. Granted the game is now chalk full of stages via updates, but what's the point of releasing a game if you can't even add new fucking stages to the game!? Can you really call it DLC when all you're doing is downloading the rest of the game that should've been fully downloaded day one? Just like with the "pay-to-win" thing that players hate about EA, with Nintendo, this should be fucking called, "download-to-own", because you're basically just downloading updates to own the complete fucking game, instead of just delaying it further to finish the game.

What's next, better HD rumble for Joycons? A sleeker dock for your Switch? Bigger Joycons for Americans like me who have big hands contrast to the Japs who have fucking t-rex hands? Fixing the Joycon drift issue... We'll get into that in a second. Seeing this made me realize that Nintendo even further, doesn't fucking care about quality anymore. Nintendo is a dying company, and they were the ones that did it to themselves. They are just like any other corrupt, greedy, money hungry jap company, filled with greedy old businessmen who think oversaturation of their franchise is the answer to pleasing the fans, instead of actually taking the time by putting the heart and spirit into any of them. When Iwata was around back then, he put so much heart and soul into the games that were released. This was during the time when that memorable quote was uttered by Miyamoto, saying...
A rushed game is forever bad, but a delayed game is eventually good.
Now, they are just as corporate as any other greedy AAA gaming company. At least this AAA company tried to be different from the rest of the money hungry, cash grabbing assholes, but now, they've become the problem themselves.... They are so slow to comment on the concerning matter about the Nintendo Switch in terms of hardware, but are fucking quick to pull shit like DMCA'ing passion fan projects by fans who fucking love Nintendo as much as I did, and create artificial scarcity by releasing Super Mario 3D All-Stars, only for it to be pulled off shelves the young following year. No new hardware, no sign of progression, no addressing the issue of voice chat, nor improving their online service; it seems like Nintendo hates progression... They are so quick to fucking innovate, but they never like to update their fucking hardware, and it always baffles me why they prefer to stick with shitty hardware? Don't you want your company to be among the leagues of Xbox and PlayStation, the two big giants of the gaming world? Wouldn't you want to garner respect for your IP's even more, so that your, so-called Mario is among the other big gaming mascots like Crash Bandicoot and Halo? I know that Nintendo is an option for young gamers, who's parents are skeptical of letting their kids own a console that shares the same library with games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto V, but at least try to impose the message with your company that it's family-friendly, while at the same time, diversifying it with mature games for the older gamers on the side, while at the same time making those demographic of people feel just as important, so it'll have a hybrid audience of both young and old/casual and hardcore gamers... If it were up to me to run the company, I would take that route of running it and instantly, it would become a market scheme success. A diverse group of supporters from both sides of the spectrum, supporting the same console, who's current gen power that's currently in demand, feeding both parties as well. That business move would probably even surpass Sony and Microsoft in seconds, giving Sony something to think about in upping their game as well?
But no, we just have another Nintendo Switch with a fucking new screen that's just a 1/4 inch bigger than the previous console. No, the console itself isn't bigger, just the fucking screen... And a better kickstand... How. Fucking. Pathetic... And I don't know what the price is going to be for it, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it's probably $399, because it's fucking Nintendo. You know... I've bought an Oculus Quest 2 just recently, and I know VR is not really big in the gaming world at the moment and it's a whole different field compared to the normal experience of gaming where you just look at your screen. I'm not kidding, despite how small the Oculus Quest 2's library of games is compared to the regular gaming console's libraries, I've gotten more experience and fun out of the Oculus Quest 2 within a span of a week's time, compared to the Nintendo Switch where I am 5 years into owning the damn thing, and I still don't feel proud one bit, owning it... A fucking $300 Facebook account is more fun and enjoyable than the fucking Nintendo Switch, and it has proper voice chat as well... HOW. FUCKING. SAD... It even allows fucking side questing as well where you can download third party APK files from your computer onto your VR headset and play other people's works that aren't on the app store! Even Oculus themselves are EVEN okay with this move, encouraging people to side quest games onto their Oculus quest!
Leaked footage of Nintendo Ninjas DMCA'ing a Nintendo Fan
If this were fucking Nintendo, they would send fucking SWAT teams to your fucking house, raiding the place FBI style like some Transformers, prune juice, type shit if they were to even find out such a fucking thing! But that's fucking Japan for you... They are greedy, selfish fucking assholes. That's all they're good for is fucking fetish material, that's it. I don't even want to fuck any of them, that's how despicable and selfish the japs are to humanity, and Nintendo is one of them... I don't see Nintendo in the same light anymore... When I woke up and took the red pill, I realized that Nintendo was nothing but greedy fucking assholes, that only care about the fucking money, nothing else... When I was a cuck back then, I fucking defended Nintendo left and right, and would fight for them as a company, but when I found out that the same person that I was defending was the person that was on the offensive side, I quickly backed away, realizing the true nature that this scummy company really is known for... Greed...
After this failed excuse of a release, they're gonna go back to releasing shitty, subpar 1st party games that aren't finished and $60 ports of previous good games just to remind the audience that they made better games. The Nintendo Switch online isn't going to change, and Nintendo is more busy looking for content that they're going to strike down and ruin people's lives with, than to strike up and support the fans back who are supporting their sorry asses. Looking back at the time that I was a shill for this company makes me shiver to my fucking stomach, because I didn't realize that the people were fucking right all along... Nintendo is a greedy company who just wants your money and that's it... Every time I think about Mario or their other fucking stupid IP's, I attribute that to something like the holocaust because that's what us fans fucking went through supporting this ungrateful company...
Do you remember when JonTron made a video a decade back about one of the sonic games, I think it was Sonic Adventures, and he did a skit about what really goes on in the supposed headquarters of SEGA. Well replace all of that with Nintendo, because of their recent decisions to be stupid with their company's direction. That clip that I had just shown above is now irrelevant... That's Nintendo now. Just replace anything mentioning SEGA in that video with Nintendo, because fucking SEGA, despite the dumb decisions that they've made in the past like Sonic '06, and that werewolf game that they made that same or following year; looks more fucking sane and respectable compared to fucking Nintendo.
And you know as I was writing this, I've came across an article that really pissed me the fuck off, making me realize that, yeah, at this point they don't give a fuck anymore...
Reading this article made me realize that this was just a mission... A mission to win back their customers as much as they fucking can, because the Wii U was a failure. These fucking people knew what they are fucking doing and I can see right through their fucking eyes, beyond their fucking skulls, right into their fucking brains and smell their bullshit a mile away. This decision right here, and the equivalency to that would be like the kid who tries to make up with his parents to get off being grounded for a week by cleaning up his room... And by cleaning up that room, he would just hide everything under the bed, take his father's beer behind his back, and still throw parties when his parents are away. He keeps his act clean around his parents, but when they're gone, he still pulls the same shit, over and over again, no lessons being learned whatsoever... All of this shit was a ploy for Nintendo to deceive the customers by teasing them with a promise of great games and a great, potentially powerful system, only in return to put very few innovations at the table to fool the returning fans into buying their products, only for them to pull the rug from under them and exploit the fuck out of them with ports and shitty games. I don't fucking know what Nintendo has against their customers, but if this is the fucking mentality that they have against their fans, then fuck you... I'm not supporting you then.
Why is that such a fucking hard question to answer? Why can't you just fix the fucking drift issue that many people (I myself included) have experienced for fucking years, where it could've saved many customer's lives financially without resorting to buying a new pair of Joycons at a AAA game price, just only $10 more? Is that fucking hard to ask? If Iwata was still around, there wouldn't even be a fucking drift issue day fucking one... It showed with the Nintendo Wii's Nunchuck, the Nintendo Wii U gamepad, and even the Nintendo 3DS at some points, so what the fuck is so fucking hard about fixing the fucking drift issue!? They act like you're trying to acquire secret, classified documents from the CIA, like it's a trade secret to them! This is fucking bullshit! At this point, I have just given up on this whole issue here and just said fuck it, I'm done with Nintendo. This is the company that you're supporting! This is what you fucking Nintendo shills are saying yes to... This is the what Furukawa is getting his dick wet off of...
I already expected this move from Nintendo however, because I've finally learned about the concept of having a BRAIN, and learning how to think for myself for once... Nintendo hates updating hardware and getting with the times. They hate giving the fans what they want, so instead, they just throw in a minorly improved Switch instead of actually trying to get their A-game up for once. You guys are fucking partners with Microsoft for fucks sake! I'm pretty sure you can learn a few lessons or two from them in terms of hardware and customer relations... But hey, all of that is just sadly wishful thinking... Oh wait, I forgot, I've already crossed that boundary of boycott for this pathetic excuse of a fucking despicable company... I guess for once... The Sony Ponies were right... PlayStation 5, here I come...
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